07-27-2023, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by DRH
Biggd is right ... they're deer flies and they bite like piranhas! Shaped like bug-sized F16 fighter jets, they are ruthless seekers of blood. Our German Shepherd Ruger is one of their primary "food sources" in our yard, viciously attacking her ears and belly each time we let her outside. And, they swarm around our heads and bite us relentlessly as well. Each time we bring Ruger inside the first thing we do is have her "roll over" so we can remove one, or often several, deer flies that have latched on to her belly.
The only effective thing I have found that repels them is mowing the lawn! They seem to dislike the lawn mower engine's exhaust so I can usually get the lawn mowed without getting bitten. We don't have a screen porch, so our only refuge is to either mow the lawn, or go inside!
They attack my poor dog also! Deer flies are territorial so when you're walking, they may be bad in some spots and not so bad in others.