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Old 08-16-2023, 10:33 AM   #85
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Default Documentation?

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
I have owned CG documented boats before but still always registered in NH. Can’t say that I have ever see a boat on the lake that should have bow numbers and didn’t. It screams pull me over.

My lienholder required it on my Rinker 320EC (which coincidently was sold to a friend of the clown involved in this). I didn’t bother to put the name on it, it was never leaving the lake while I owned it and no CG here to ask questions. Wasn’t opposed to it, just never got to it. It mainly stayed tied up at our dock being used as sleeping quarters as our camp build was in the planning stages.
I first owned a documented vessel in 1993. As above, I was concerned about getting stopped by MP for no bow numbers. A letter from Director Barrett assured me there should be no problem, but I was still required to pay a state fee and display the colored sticker. A recent purchase came from NJ and a title company wanted $700 to do the documentation. Since NH is not a title state, I simply took the bill of sale to a marina and registered the boat. (I always register in Gilford so the town gets the benefit of the tax dollars to support Glendale.)
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