Thread: Pine sap??
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Old 09-12-2023, 06:13 AM   #34
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I just finished cleaning my truck with rubbing alcohol. I made the mistake of parking it under the pine trees overnight. There were a couple hundred drips. The alcohol worked well but you have to keep using clean paper towels. If you don't, the sap from the last blob you cleaned leaves a cloudy smear as you do the next one. Also, don't leave the alcohol on too long, wipe it with a clean paper towel. If it dries with a smear, clean with another clean piece of towel with alcohol and immediately dry again with another dry piece of towel. After I got all the blobs off, I gave it a good wash with regular car wash soap. Today I need to check that I got all the pine pitch off and then wax it.

Even if WD-40 works, it is designed to leave a lubricating film. After getting the pine pitch off, I don't want anything left behind. Rubbing alcohol is designed to evaporate and leave nothing behind. Besides that, I don't want my car smelling like WD-40.

I also had tried Goo Gone which worked but not as easily or with as clean a result as the alcohol.

It seems to me that no matter what you use, it shouldn't be left on the paint surface too long or it could do damage. Perhaps subtle but still compromise the paint/clear coat.
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