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Old 09-23-2023, 05:43 PM   #70
John Mercier
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The ''problems'' the City of Laconia has is pretty well known.
Their ''asks'' were/are considered laughable by pretty much anyone willing to bid on the property.

Why would I want to build a parking area that would be overrun on evenings and weekends when the ball games were in progress? Then the baseball team went kaput.

So it became a non-issue. The ''green space'' became a ''green way'' which they now want to be a deeded access snowmobile trail. Deeded access would mean that I could never place any non-motorized designated funds into the deeded corridor... forever.

Snowmobile registrations dropped from roughly 78,000 in 2003, to roughly 50,000 currently. In 2018, they asked the Legislature to form a committee to find new funding. The most the Legislature could do is really something that was done in the STAC at BoT and change the way the RTP funding could be used. It will only delay the funding issue... not placate it.

The property in question is very near were they run the Laconia World Championship Dogsled event, usually in February were we tend to have the best snow pack and conditions in the area. They have cancelled for many years now.
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