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Old 09-29-2023, 05:17 AM   #161
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Cool Never Seen One Episode of "Dukes of Hazzard", Due It's Silly Premise...

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
Chances are we have ALL seen the picture you are referring to. The one showing the port side of the boat with the bow numbers clearly depicted, the back of the guy that owns the Sea Ray with a gray shirt on, the guy in the blue tank top covering his face, and the woman in pink... It still amazes me that you think the 50' Sea Ray was airborne, landed and ended up grounded, but has such minimal damage to itself?
The image I saw may have been greatly enlarged. It displayed a boat amidship with three people. I'll ask to see it again.

Two things we DON'T know:

1) How much damage did the Searay take?

The Searay has a major structural keel of about 8 inches of depth. (Protecting its stern-thruster among other things).

2) What injuries may have been suffered?

The getaway boat apparently showed up promptly and transported some number of people away. That boat should have been impounded. The impounded Searay has yellow crime scene tape wrapped very carefully around the foredeck stanchions. MPs protecting blood evidence for DNA-matching?

One thing can be deduced from the crime scene:

The Searay hit a piling dock, possibly collecting small wood splinters in its propeller and keel--and fiberglass within the dock's planking. That dock stands "proud" of the water by about 16 inches. The Searay would have been clear of the water by the same measure--or more:

I'd call that "airborne", but some might call it something else.
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