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Old 11-12-2023, 06:52 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by ApS View Post
There's not much south of Wilkes-Barre. Hersey fills up on car show days. My Wilkes-Barre stay is Motel-6 at the top end of Schecter Street. There are choices of rooms with microwave/refrigerator--or no frills--excepting a big TV. It's been a nice first-day stopover for many years. Rates, though, can fluctuate. I asked why I'm paying $100 for the night, when on my way north just months ago, I paid $75.

Answer: "It's Friday".

If you pick the side overlooking Wilkes-Barre proper, you can readily view where you've parked your You-Haul trailer. The motel almost has a castle-like presence. It's quiet at the top of their hilltop motel, but enforcement of loud exhausts elsewhere doesn'’t exist. The rest of the city appears totally unplanned and decrepit. I certainly wouldn't live there.

Once off the Interstate, getting there can be frustrating. Wilkes-Barre is like Boston, where directional signs would be a Godsend! If lost, search for Coal Street, which crosses the city and links to Schecter.

The Interstate is a short drive away--with three exits. The southernmost exit has all the morning fuel- and food-stops you'd want as you continue driving south towards Hilton Head.

Think I found my ideal hotel spot in Wiles-Barre, "Hilton Garden Inn Wilkes Barre". Location appears to be near a large open area, maybe near an Arena.
Anyway, hotel has a massive parking area, and just off the I-81 Interstate.
A little more pricey than most, but I'd rather feel safe than sorry.
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