Originally Posted by John Mercier
All of that gave me an idea...We regularly show off new large lake homes built in October as part of the Parade of Homes... they have immature landscaping being new builds or large renovations. A spring garden show of lake homes with mature landscaping best designed to minimize run-off into the lake while giving that strong classic lake ambience may change the mindset on the value of landscaping to protect the lake while still enjoying a property.
Much "landscaping" within the last several decades has consisted of adding impervious granite to lakeside property. Parking areas are demarcated using huge concrete blocks, and the flow of runoff is accelerated by paving-over driveways formerly left to naturally filter runoff through sand and soil.
Cutting down mature trees--
after the required inventory and sale of a property--is rampant.
One (of the two) most recent three-lot mansions built near me has none of the many "cathedral pines" that existed prior to the three years it took to build it. The newest five-family rental mansion on the north side began with only three barely-mature trees, and now sports a 300-foot lawn. (A uniformly dark green lawn right to the water's edge).
But what about the lessons of Lake Kanasatka?
1) I ask, is it possible that only a single lawn could be responsible for
all the bloom?
2) Should "lawn maintenance" outfits be licensed--or otherwise regulated?
3) One cow can produce 27-times the waste products of one adult person.

What does Lake Kanasatka have in the way of an ungulate population? Surely, the deer population can't be responsible for all Kanasatka's algal mayhem.
4) Will this past season's drenching result in a 2024 summer of increased algae angst?