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Old 11-24-2023, 12:14 PM   #81
John Mercier
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The investors have the money...
They don't like the changes that the State and City are imposing in the changes to the plan.

The ''buyer'' as you are calling her is just speaking for the group.

The State didn't want to handle the subdivision and sale of each lot.
They also didn't want to parcel it out as larger pieces for individual investment goals.

And the City did not want us just to build condos in blocks and detached versions.

They changed the mix of what was proposed to be built, so moving the single family units either up or down, meant that investor was willing pay a little more or less to the project... and so forth for each piece.

If they would just sell it for the $21 million and stop trying to add easements and manage the project... the sale would have been completed by now.

But every time they near closing... the City wants to dictate what type of units will be built, or the State wants to dictate what activities will be allowed on the property.

So the investors, just like when Mitchell wanted to buy the Weirs' Drive-In, walk away....

If Sununu and Hosmer really want it sold... they will need to end the grandstanding... so they are in the way... not supporting the sale.
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