Originally Posted by chachee52
Seeing I just moved up here full time and won't be working in Merrimack anymore come the end of January, probably won't make it to the Nashua one. But you are the first person to give that place a thumbs up that I have heard, out of probably 30+ people.
But will give the Tilton one a try. It will be hard to move from El Jimmador though, my wife is very allergic to cilantro and most Mexican places have it in everything, El Jimmador only has it in 2-4 items which means she can eat almost all the menu instead of a "plain chicken quesadia" which usually is what happens.
It is not even a close comparison to El Jimador. The El Jimador family branched out to Vida Weirs location some few years back, which folded and as I understand some of the family moved back down south of the border. El Jimador proper went downhill shortly after and IMO and never came back.
Vida took the Wieirs location and mastered super-hot plates and lukewarm food (ie: microwave cooking) in all but the peak summer months. Gross now - we stopped going a year ago after ~ 40 visits, now that high school age kids seem to be all that work there and noone seems to care.
Knock on wood but Frontera is legit so far, 3x trips to date, 2-3x entrees per trip and all are awesome. Limited apps, but that's ok for us. Gringo tacos and Wet Burritos are great. They have real bean options, it's nice to have options there.
It looks like a much higher volume location year-round then those previously mentioned, hopefully things stay as they are because as DOX shows, that end of the lakes seems to be up and coming.
Yum so far..