Is there anything worse than Metrocast?
Metrocast services my yacht club in Gilford. I wanted the seasonal service shut down Oct 1st. I have been calling Metrocast three to four times a day for 2 WEEKS!! I get flipped to their phone bank and have sat for anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes listening to their recording tell me that my call is important to them and please stay on the line for the next available operator.It also tries to con me into upgrades and new featrures, telling me to ask the customer service rep that will be answering my call in the order it came beacuse my call is important to them. Having to go to the lake to work on my boat I stopped at Metrocast yesterday morning. When I walked through the door the two customer service women were just sitting there chatting it up with each other. As I started telling my problem to one of them I hit the autodial on my cell phone in my pocket set on Metrocast's number. I listened to the service rep whine about how busy their phone lines were due to some new kind of billing system. I asked her how people were supposed to get ahold of them for real service work if they never answered their phones. I then told her that i had hit autodial on my phone when i walked in and let her listen that it had already gone to the phone bank without even ringing her phone. She then proceeded to tell me their were 30 people answering phones upstairs and ALL lines were busy. I told her they must have all carpooled to work today because there were only 4 cars in the parking lot and one of them was mine. She was speachless. She had no answer. I told her I could have mailed a letter and had it get here faster. I told her this type of service was not exactly a glowing recomendation for Metrocast. She told me she would backdate the shutoff to Sept that was supposed to make everything right. I told her Sat Dish was looking better and better to me.
Surely I am not the only feeling like this about their quality of service. Thanks for letting me vent.
"He who dies with the most toys wins"