I love the auto dial part-outstanding move-really smooth. And the cars in the lot? I believe the word "gothca" says it all. Lets not forget most of these companies are monopolies in any given community. But miss a bill payment and they're on you like white on rice. Default on your contract-oh thats another story too.
Cingular Wireless thought their contract only applies to consumers. When they defaulted on THEIR obligations to me (for a free phone with the contract-thats all I wanted them to produce) they told me to stuff it. So I sued them in Small Claims. They never showed. Because I sued for the max. under NH law-$5,000 (always sue for the max.) thats what they owed me. When they ignored the court order to pay I sent a Cert. Letter to the president in Atlanta GA informing him I own the Domain Name
www.cingular-arrogance.com and was going to post my troubles and paperwork to the 'Net, 5 days later my check for $5,000 plus court costs showed up...Not a bad way to pay for my Side Scan Sonar, no?