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Old 02-03-2024, 08:46 AM   #40
John Mercier
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Originally Posted by smith point boater View Post
Knowing little about the proposed project (which I would be against) first brings to mind some more basic questions about that area of West Alton.

- Could Cherry Valley Road (11A) even handle the short term increase in heavy equipment traffic this project will bring and who would pay for the road repairs in the end

- Could Cherry Valley Rd handle the long term increase in vehicle traffic

- Would this project ultimately lead to never ending traffic jams

- Is Cherry Valley Rd capable of having turn lanes etc that will be needed long term to alleviate traffic problems

- Will the town (the tax payers ) be required to install traffic lights at Mt Major Highway (Rte 11) and Cherry Valley Rd to handle inflow/outflow of traffic

I just see the town and ultimately the tax payers paying the price for this project and the headaches that will come with it

Just a few thoughts
The proposal shouldn't change traffic more than if he just made it house lots for sale.
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