Thread: HOA Forums
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Old 03-28-2024, 10:23 AM   #10
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Question Not HOA, Just Curious...

Originally Posted by Dick52 View Post
I live in an HOA. I know the by-laws inside out. Will the HOA follow the by-laws? Nope they do what they want regardless. People will say well they cannot do that. Oh yes they can unless you decide to hire a lawyer and sue them. That might get you relief but at what $$$ cost. HOA are run by little people who either never had any power in their lives but now want to rule over their neighbors or they are people who indeed did hold some power and are now retired but want to maintain that power so they run for BOD and rule the neighborhood. Not buying into HOA is problematic because so many exist.

Best advice is to find an attorney who specializes in these issues but don't expect the HOA to comply with the law...after all they can spend all of the HOA's monies to fight you off while they personally attack you as the problem, telling the membership any lie the fits their need.
If you're living in an HOA, will the Board support the HOA homeowner with a squatter issue?
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