Originally Posted by DickR
I'm hoping others with experience with the various types of gutter screening will chime in. It seems to me that success depends on the nature of tree debris falling on the screens. Pine needles, in particular, can poke into even small openings. I would think that periodic cleaning would be needed anyway, although perhaps not as often. And then, I imagine picking pine needles out of openings could be quite tedious, and not easily done by hose or leaf blower. I've been doing my own gutter cleaning with a leaf blower twice a year, when the roof is absolutely dry. I don't mind the parts that are one story high, but on the places where the ground is two stories down, I am reminded by great nervousness that at my age I probably should not be up there!
Dick, on a prior house in NJ I installed a bull noosed gutter topper like Gutter Helmet. I had previously tried screens sold in Home centers but still had to clean them once or twice a year. The gutter helmet worked much better.