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Old 06-06-2024, 11:06 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by RichardInSandwich View Post
JeffK, What's going on at NHEC is not remotely like the Gunstock debacle. As for the board "overriding" management, under the Co-op's structure members own the company, we elect the board, management works for the board, not the other way around. Also worth noting: as a utility NHEC has monopoly powers and as a co-op, it regulates itself -- unlike other utilities regulated by the state Public Utilities Commission. Thus, meaningful board oversight of the reasonableness of rates and effectiveness of operations is crucial. Finally, NHEC's new broadband venture illustrates the power of member engagement (it originated with members, not the board or the management) and it was launched by a fruitful collaboration between visionary board members and hard-working management. Both sides in the election debate agree the current board needs to be changed to achieve the result you -- and really, we all -- want: a well-functioning collaboration between board and management.
LOL, let’s maybe tamp down the “visionary board members” talk. Smaller utilities than NHEC have been rolling out FTTH projects for 20+ years. I guess they just finally caught up to what dozens of other utilities have been doing for a long time? So, good job, yay? They signed some contracts with outside vendors to build the infrastructure, but that doesn’t make them visionary experts in broadband deployment, and certainly not in power delivery. The inflated self-worth of some of these board members (and cult of personality they have fostered with allies) would be comical if it weren’t so destructive to the cooperative.
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