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Old 06-06-2024, 07:17 PM   #10
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Sorry if I offend you Tummyman. I was told to 'be careful' posting here and voicing a different opinion because the fight gets dirty. I will state for the record, I don't know you, your wife, and I'm not associated with you or anyone else you know. I saw the name, it made me chuckle. Seems a bit much to have to be all creative just for a forum name.

To clarify, management does NOT work for the board. They work for the MEMBERS and report to the CEO. The CEO works for the MEMBERS, but reports to the board. There has been a lot of turnover, CEO's have left, management team has turned over more than once - all while under the "direction" of this board. Hello? What's the common denominator here? The board!! You can't tell me all of those people weren't good employees. The numbers just don't add up. This might end up exactly like Gunstock.

Why is management so far behind on the broadband build? These "visionary board members" signed the contracts with outside vendors. The CEO hadn't even started and the rest of the staff was fleeing. The board picked a crappy partner that obviously can't do what they said they could do. It is not the current management's fault for piss poor decisions the board made. They're just trying to clean it up.

My post was not a 'disinformation' campaign. It's FACT. If members really want a board that provides meaningful insight, and a management team to not run for the hills, vote for change based on facts.
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