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Old 06-07-2024, 10:47 AM   #16
P-3 Guy
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Originally Posted by RichardInSandwich View Post
Thanx for your response, Real BigGuy. Once the election is past, we'll check on the prospects for island internet service. I urge you (and other Winni island residents) to make your views known to NHEC through letters and by offering comments at monthly board meetings (last Tues of every month); board agendas and minutes are at

When the NH Broadband initiative was announced along with the claim that all NHEC customers would eventually have the opportunity to subscribe to NH Broadband's fiber optic service, I thought, "really? Even on the Winnipesaukee islands that in some cases have customers that number in the single digits?" Putting down submarine fiber optic cable is expensive, especially when the return on investment is tiny. So I called NHEC and asked if in fact NH Broadband would eventually get around to servicing the Winnipesaukee islands, and I was told that yes, that is the plan. That would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.
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