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Old 07-10-2024, 09:44 AM   #27
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I'm sure maneuvering a seaplane in tight quarters is not easy, especially if high winds are present, but there should be room by the launch ramp behind the FlightCraft gas dock. Very protected, already set up to protect water quality.

In the meantime, the Council doesn't look very good to me. The Weirs has had many commercial operators in the area, boats, mostly, like the Uncle Sam, who used the public docks. There used to be 2-3 seaplane hangars in the proposed area. Precedent? Maybe there was a fee and a contract, but at least there was a precedent. Agenda items are submitted days in advance of meetings--why have they and the manager, not done their homework and researched what they can and cannot do in an area where they have received funding? Don't they know where that land starts and stops?

In short, the City Council seems to have no plan(s).
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