Amazing island values
Just received a real estate flyer focused on island sales. A couple on Rattlesnake under $500K. Others all over the lake ranged from $1,000,000 to $3,500,000.
I remember the 50's-60's when people owned a 14' aluminum boat with a small o/b and carried out materials to build their camps. No electricity or power tools. Look what that sweat equity has turned into! No more cartoppers; a boat is $50-$100K and a slip to keep it can be another $100K. (You can't have a "cheap" island camp and keep your boat on a trailer.)
Do whatever you can to keep the family camp in the family. It's rare that current younger generations will want to, or be able to, spend $1,000,000+ for another camp. If you're an "older owner", don't sell "So we can give the kids the money". Rent/lease and give them the income.