Originally Posted by SAMIAM
Was in town today and saw a guy with a couple of dogs keeping the geese at bay…..I counted 50 of them and there was poop everywhere, even on the walks where people step on it.
After a few errands we drove by again and the dogs were gone so the geese were coming back up on the grass for breakfast.
We really need to do something. How about giving some teens a summer job and let them keep the geese away
They will eventually leave if they can’t feed
About a week ago My wife and I walk to Meredith Town docks and there was geese crap all over the aluminum loading dock. People were still putting their boats in, but they had to dodge the geese poop. There was a young girl collecting the ramp fee but I'm sure she wasn't going to clean the dock.

I've always seen it all over the park but that's the first time I've seen it all over the dock.