Originally Posted by TheTimeTraveler
I think the current owners will sell only IF they can get their $3.5 million dollar asking price otherwise I think they will stay put.
Unfortunately all the Pier 19 valuable assets have long since been sold off (i.e. the island docking spaces) and it will be hard to make serious money there in a year 'round environment. I think it's good for four open months each year for some very good income.
The business is extremely labor intensive and I find it is usually poorly staffed (waiting for a clerk to buy gas, prepare food or checking out gets old fast).
My business model? I would install a huge dormered area on the second floor facing the lake and obtain a seasonal pouring liquor license so that one could sit there and admire the lake view while enjoying food and beverages. Plenty of seating upstairs would be a game changer for the business. Maybe an on site restaurant may be something to consider......
Yippee another place to drink. What is needed is four studio apartments to house the employees that serve the busness.