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Old 10-21-2024, 06:55 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by bobkatfly View Post
Bill, not sure if it's just me but your post comes across as 18* (asterisk). I guess it's meant as degrees. If that's the case then you'll probably need to look at the options posted by the other replies. I wouldn't want to plow 18 degrees either.
Sorry, * = degrees in engineer keyboard speak(degrees F in this case). Local Guy tried to plow it against my advice…2x…he had to get towed out.

Re: snow machines. We have sleds! First year we had the cabin snow was so deep could not get sleds through the deep powder up the driveway (New England trail sleds, not long track powder sleds). Now we keep the sleds at top of driveway next to boat winter storage.

Lots of good suggestions, like tractor with chains, etc. what i dont want to do is spend several hours cleaning out driveway when we are just there for a long weekend! I think tracked vehicle may be a good idea and could be multi purpose.
We are very conscious of run off and water quality of the lake, so are reluctant to add any hard scape (pavement).
Thanks again, so far a lot of this conversation has confirmed what we thought already…hiking in is good for the body and soul! Please keep suggestions coming—-someone else has probably come up with a good idea!

Thank you,

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