Originally Posted by John Mercier
Do any of the mini splits have a temperature setback function.
Sort of like a programmed thermostat that lowers the temperature at night and brings it up in the morning?
The issue I find with my Mini Splits is it's better to "set it and forget it". Playing with the temperature works when it's above freezing because the air coming out of the units is still hot.
The colder it gets outside the air coming from the units turns to just warm. If you turn them down in the really cold weather, it will take a long time to heat up that space again.
When you leave them set at certain temperature, they will continue to circulate the hot air near the ceiling even if the compressor unit is not producing hot air.
I have an App to control all my head units, and it will show me the temp it's set at and the temp at the ceiling. The temp at the ceiling is always 2 to 3 degrees higher than the setting so the fan will keep blowing that hot ceiling air down even when the outdoor unit is not on.
Even though I have remotes for each unit, I rarely use them. I'm always controlling them from my phone.