Originally Posted by The Real BigGuy
Again, using info I gleaned previously from son in law. Mini split is more efficient than the standard alone heat pump condenser. Their other advantage is it is easier to install heads in different/multiple locations.
With regards to getting rid of existing heating systems. His company, even though they make a crap load of $ installing mini splits, recommends having a secondary heating source even when they sell a “hyper heat” unit (Mitsubishi’s efficient to -15 system).
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I'd definitely keep the electric baseboard as there are no air vents in the lower level and the independent thermostats in every room would maintain the balance of heat when using the wood stove, etc.
I guess I'm just wondering how much, realistically, I'd save overall. My electric bill is $230/mth. year-round for a completely electric home with central AC, which is pretty good methinks, but those costs rarely/never go down...
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