Bobkatfly, Have you considered building using ICF walls? The advantages are numerous and the upgrade cost is relatively cheap ...especially if you DIY.
If you are planning on a truss roof I'd suggest considering upgrading to attic trusses rather than a basic truss as again the upgrade cost is relatively minor when compared to the advantages of the extra storage possibilities.
The photo is of a storage barn that a buddy & I built last year using two shipping containers decked with arched trusses. Its probably way more than you need, but it is a very cool idea and I'll bet he doesn't have $30K in it.
Check with your fire chief before going too far in considering a Morton building. I had one that was used as a cold storage warehouse at a business I ran in Concord and it collapsed during an extremely heavy spring snowstorm. The fire department wouldn't allow it to be replaced because they considered the wooden framing inside a steel shell to be an extreme fire hazard.
Finally, whatever dimension you have settled on, in the future you'll wish you had built it larger...