I guess its different
I guess its different on an island. Our neighbors bought in 1953, we came in ~1958. None of those people are alive now. We have a permanent dock and several neighbors have used it over the years when the wind is overwhelming. The closest neighbor uses it routinely, and we have a written agreement acknowledging ownership and permission to use so there is no question of adverse possession. They offered to do some repairs and we declined for the same reason and we did (hired) the repairs ourselves for the same reason. We borrow and replace things like plumbing and electrical supplies and run mutual errands to the mainland. At home (mainland) we have similar neighbors, sharing leftovers, etc. Our (Newfy) dog was trained, with a backpack, to carry items between houses. (Some of you may remember Emily as she was popular in Glendale.) Summary: getting along with neighbors is not so tough--just pretend you're all from New Hampshire and you know where the lines are.. "Good fences..."(Robert Frost)