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Old 11-11-2006, 05:48 AM   #111
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Lightbulb Where to start...

Originally Posted by Airwaves
In general, I've found the folks on the left side of the aisle to be more thoughtful and less reactionary than the folks on the right side of the aisle.

What you are more likely to see is an effort to increase funding to MP so they can enforce laws already on the books IF they even tackle the issue at all since there are a lot more pressing issues in Concord....

Can you say school funding?
Am I reading this correctly?

Media bias—then a change of subject?

It would appear that all sense of objectivity has been abandoned.

Let's start over:

1) Boats most likely to crunch Winnipesaukee things will arrive from other large bodies of water.

2) New Hampshire's is too small a statistical sample to use because we have too short a boating season; in addition, we have limited protected waters able to support a speedsters' adequate velocity to crunch things.

Conclusion: Use fatality statistics from all US protected inland waters where excess speed is suspected.

3) "Winnipesaukee=Anarchy" was the title of my letter published in the Granite State News.

In retrospect, I should have included a recommendation of 120MPH-Day and Unlimited-Night speed limits. It would have been reasonable back then—on August 8th, 2002.

It's still a marker to start from: 120/Unlimited.
Is it
"Common Sense" isn't.
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