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Old 01-15-2007, 07:26 AM   #9
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Default LOONS evolved with flying squirrels.

Originally Posted by mg2107
We also had an attic full of flying squirrels. They sure are cute but once they get in they will do a number on your house. They are very prolific as well.
1) There's no more damaging critter to over-winter in your place than a red squirrel, like my neighbors did. Much more so, if they don't survive the winter in your place!

2) Critters other than red squirrels get a bad rap from "reds".

Chew-mark evidence on your personal items that measure 3/16" across are likely red squirrel damage. Red squirrels will make nests using mostly dead leaves outside, but any fabric left outside is sure to get "sampled" at minimum. One unscrewed a cap (with his teeth) on a bottle of bird seed I'd left outdoors!

Mice, on the other hand, leave tiny toothmarks, and will shred stuff into a fibrous, messy, nest—and stink to high-heavens!

3) I'd no sooner shut off the computer and picked up a copy of Science Weekly magazine, and discovered this article showing that the ancestor of today's flying squirrel shared Planet Earth with the earliest of birds—including our own Winnipesaukee loon!


"...Gliding squirrel-like mammals that lived with the dinosaurs at least 130 million years ago may have conquered the skies around the same time as birds, or even earlier, scientists say....
From fossil remains, it is known that this ancestor-guy (below) had the sharp teeth necessary for his diet of insects, and a heavy tail—rather than the "feathery" tail of modern flying squirrels.
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Is it
"Common Sense" isn't.

Last edited by ApS; 01-15-2007 at 05:51 PM. Reason: Modify text and rearrange.
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