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Old 05-20-2008, 12:06 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Skip View Post
So, it will either be specifically vetoed by him (which appears doubtful) or go into effect for the 2009 season by his action or inaction as of tomorrow...unless he has already signed it and the media has not reported the event.
I just checked with the Secretary of State's office and was told the bill had not arrived on the governor's desk yet (when I gave them the bill number, they didn't recognize it but when I mentioned the subject of the bill, they did!). Apparently, there is nothing specified in the law about how quickly a bill that has passed both sides of the Legislature will arrive on the governor's desk; the only stipulation is the 5 days Skip mentioned for him to act on it once it does hit his desk.

So I guess we still have time to send letters to the governor to argue our case.
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