06-08-2008, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Cal
Certainly there is , because excessive speed AKA Coast Guard definition , doesn't necessarily means high speed.
You could have 200 accidents in Weirs channel all at "excessive" speed and all be less than 10 mph 
So to campaign for a speed limit lets just lump them into one catagory to scare people.
I’ve explained all this numerous times before, but you guys still refuse to accept that speed and accidents are connected, so I'll repost this part yet again:
Chief Warrant Officer Jim Krzenski, Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Station Fort Piercelace happens to agrees with me: “Avoiding collisions on the water differs in many ways from avoiding collisions while driving in your car. The one contributing factor which is similar between boats as compared to automobiles is SPEED. It has been statistically proven that the number of collisions between vehicles, be they of the marine or roadway type, are reduced as speed is reduced.” http://www.boatsafe.com/nauticalknowhow/122098tip.htm
"Boaters love boats . . . Kayakers love water."