Originally Posted by Bear Islander
Excessive speed can be any speed depending on the situation.
In some situations excessive speed will be less than HB847 limits, and in some instances it will be more.
In situations where the speed of the boat is excessive but less than 45/25, a speed limit is unlikely to make much difference. Excepting that the boat may not even be on the lake if the operator has moved to a lake without speed limits. Boats that have left the lake, can NOT be in accidents on the lake.
In situations where the speed of the boat excessive AND more than 45/25 a speed limit is VERY effective and could save lives.
You guys keep coming up with examples of the first situation. Now why don't you try responding to the second situation. Is a speed limit effective in those situations when the speed is over 45/25?
Tell me some scenarios of excessive speed OVER 45/25 where HB847 doesn't change anything.
Simple: If some one is traveling over the speed limit and they hit some one the law does not help anyone. The person will have already his some one, the damage is already done. Do you really think that the guy that was in voilation is at that time going to care about the speeding ticket? They will be more worried about the damage of the accident.
The problem is how many accidents have occored on lake Winni over your speed limit? How many have happened under your speed limit? The answer is FAR MORE under the speed limit. So have you made the lake safer? NO
Your first point about says it all, remove the boats you do not like from the lake and make them go to another. That is what this is all about.
"Overall, boating remains a safe, enjoyable way for Americans to recreate," adds Rear Admiral Watson
Ooops late for work try and finish later