Thread: Payback Time
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Old 06-11-2008, 12:45 PM   #111
Dave R
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Originally Posted by Island Lover View Post
You can "challenge" anything you want. But will the judge buy it.

Have you ever been to court to challenge a citation? Judges have great experience in cutting through the bull. If the MP says their estimate is 75 and you respond with 45, what do you think the judge will say? Any bets you will not like what he says?
I'll take that bet. I have challenged tickets many, many times in NH. I almost always win. Half the time, the police don't show up.

I bet MP folks would be even less likely to show up than small town cops, since the hearing would be scheduled well after Summer is over and (correct me if I'm wrong) most MP are part-time. The trick is to wait until the last possible moment to send the plea in and then wait until the last possible moment to request a new trial date. It would be foolish to plead guilty or nolo and pay a boat speeding fine, unless you lived really far away.
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