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Old 11-20-2008, 09:12 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by M/V_Bear_II View Post
It's one evening a year. All politics are local. Reschedule things, or don't complain.

Yes, it's a much bigger commitment than going to the polls and spending 5 minutes filling out a ballot. But it also allows for much more open and honest discussion of issues that directly affect you and your neighbor. Ever spend any time talking to people who have just voted in a presidential election? A large number of them aren't able to tell you who they voted for down ticket or why. ("Why" might often be party affiliation, which is a vapid reason.) Do you want voters who haven't taken the time to inform themselves to spend five minutes making a pattern of X's on the ballot, and deciding your town budget? I'd much rather sit through the debates, which are often interminable, but know that everyone else did too - then I know that we all have a basic understanding of the issues.

But yes, fewer people are willing to make that sacrifice. And lots of people try to get out of jury duty.

I do share the skepticism that voting on the entire warrant is done at the end of the night....but I've never been to a NH town meeting, so I'll defer.
Please don't tell me to reschedule or don't complain- I am fully capable of reading and understanding the issues prior to voting. You don't know what people do for a living or what their commitments are.

Phantom makes another good point- Saturdays may be better for TM. I believe that all elections should be held on Saturdays, just as I believe we should be able to vote online.
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