20 years ago I was 27. I have been a registered nurse since 1983. We were not being stupid. Just too trusting of the ice. I would never venture alone on the ice, never have. These accidents were not some teenage non-thinking acts. And the friend I pulled out. God bless him as he is still alive at almost 87. Oh yeah, if you have not guessed, I'm female. Have 2 older brothers so I've seen what you are talking about with the younger males.
Was walking from mainland in West Alton out to the island. An area that I have grown up around.
I right now have a 20 year old son. Guess what. He & his friends have not venture out on the ice beyond our "cleared ice arena". Not saying that one should not. It is loads of fun on the ice. But, you cannot take anything for granted. Tha day my dog went through was beautiful, low 30's, almost no wind, and a big beautiful deeb blue sky. Tons of people, snowmobiles and bob houses in the cove. Like a block party on the ice. I would have never thought something like losing her could happen in those conditions.
And I wonder why my heart races everytime I walk out there...
If you die while doing anything that you love, I would say that was a gift. We all have a time just no idea how or when. So, enjoy the present... and be safe on the ice this weekend. It is really windy out there right now.