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Old 01-09-2015, 09:33 AM   #1
inquiring one
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Default Common core / History of education

I found this presentation rather interesting and felt I should share it with those that care to watch it. It is presented far less sensationalized than others I’ve seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjxBClx01jc

I was then led to John Gatto’s short clip on the history of american education

For those with more time, J John Gatto also does “The ultimate History lesson”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxCuc-2tfgk which I found quite informative.

John Gatto was New York’s teacher of the year multiple times, and resigned while holding the title stating he could no longer contribute to the de-education of children.
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Old 01-09-2015, 10:19 AM   #2
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As an educator of 40 years now (retirement can't come soon enough) I could "go off" on my personal feelings about the common core but let me ask a question first....."What does this have to do with Lake Winnipesaukee?"

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Old 01-09-2015, 10:22 AM   #3
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Thumbs down Common Core

I live on Long Island (the other one) and as a result of the common core we pulled our children out of public school in favor of a non common core private school.

Unfortunately in NY catholic school is not a real option since most of them accept some type of funding from NYS and as such they are required to follow the common core to continue receiving their funding.
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Old 01-09-2015, 11:19 AM   #4
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Does this help?
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Old 01-09-2015, 12:10 PM   #5
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It seems like every year the DOE and Congress has a better idea of educating our children. And for a good reason as our education system is falling further and further behind other third world countries.

At recent PTA meetings in Gilford and Laconia, parent and teachers shows displeasure on Obama's Common Core. It does little to further education. In fact each child is different and curriculum should be geared to each child. Not the other way around.

Also I notice there is a teacher's aide for each teacher. Today's teachers are bogged down in forms and logs that are to be filled out every day. Making them ineffective in giving the children their undivided attention. This is where teacher's aides comes in. No wonder education today is EXPENSIVE. Government bureaucracy at its best!
Someday may never be an actual day.
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Old 01-10-2015, 01:58 PM   #6
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I believe the solution is a complete and supportive family.

All the talk of failing schools leads me to wonder, what is the parents' accountability?

Fix the family problem and education will follow.
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Old 01-12-2015, 02:23 PM   #7
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inquiring one: I tried to reply to your email but it was returned with a "User Unknown" error. If you send me a valid email address I will resend my answer to your question.
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Old 05-01-2015, 02:48 PM   #8
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All of this hoopla. And what exactly is it?

Here’s what the Common Core State Standards do: They simply delineate what children should know at each grade level and describe the skills that they must acquire to stay on course toward college or career readiness. They are not a curriculum; it’s up to school districts to choose curricula that comply with the standards. The Fordham Institute has carefully examined Common Core and compared it with existing state standards: It found that for most states, Common Core is a great improvement with regard to rigor and cohesiveness.

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Old 04-30-2016, 06:32 AM   #9
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8gv you hit the nail right on the head. The parents have to be involved and emphasize the importance of learning. Then they need to have the child ready to learn each day and then follow up at night. Unfortunately, lots of parents could care less and feel that it is all the schools job.

Last edited by Old Sarge; 05-07-2016 at 10:18 PM.
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Old 05-02-2016, 10:17 AM   #10
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In regard to the parents having the kids ready to learn, our school system (7th grade) has instituted a new program for teachers. If it weren't real it would be laughable.

5-4-3-2-1 Color Cards

The 5-4-3-2-1 Color Card system allows students to visually indicate when they are feeling positive and ready to work, need a quick break, or need to remove themselves from the classroom. This self-assessment develops the ability to modulate and control feelings in order to function responsibly in a structured setting. It is a positive, visual indicator of a student’s current need.

Here is how it works:

1. The student will have a set of color cards available in all content area classrooms and in support study.
2. When the student enters the room, these cards should be placed on the desk, along with materials needed for class (homework, pencils, notebooks, etc.)
3. The student will flip to the color card that indicates current status.
a. If the card is green this means good to go.
b. If the card is blue this means feeling a bit overwhelmed.
c. If the card is yellow this means need a short break (1-2 minutes).
d. If the card is orange this means feeling very overwhelmed.
e. If the card is red this means need to go to counseling office to regroup.

4. During each class, the cards can be flipped at any time to visually indicate a change in current status.
5. When a yellow card is visible, the student can take a short break to regroup. Using the clock in the classroom, the computer clock, or a timer, either the student or the teacher can time the break.
6. When the card is on yellow, if the student cannot regroup within the 1-2 minute period, gently encourage transitioning to the counseling office.
7. If a red card is visible, student can leave to go to the counseling office immediately.
8. When student returns to the classroom the cards will again be in use to visually indicate the current status to the student.
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Old 05-02-2016, 12:18 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Pineedles View Post
In regard to the parents having the kids ready to learn, our school system (7th grade) has instituted a new program for teachers. If it weren't real it would be laughable.

5-4-3-2-1 Color Cards

The 5-4-3-2-1 Color Card system allows students to visually indicate when they are feeling positive and ready to work, need a quick break, or need to remove themselves from the classroom. This self-assessment develops the ability to modulate and control feelings in order to function responsibly in a structured setting. It is a positive, visual indicator of a student’s current need.

Here is how it works:

1. The student will have a set of color cards available in all content area classrooms and in support study.
2. When the student enters the room, these cards should be placed on the desk, along with materials needed for class (homework, pencils, notebooks, etc.)
3. The student will flip to the color card that indicates current status.
a. If the card is green this means good to go.
b. If the card is blue this means feeling a bit overwhelmed.
c. If the card is yellow this means need a short break (1-2 minutes).
d. If the card is orange this means feeling very overwhelmed.
e. If the card is red this means need to go to counseling office to regroup.

4. During each class, the cards can be flipped at any time to visually indicate a change in current status.
5. When a yellow card is visible, the student can take a short break to regroup. Using the clock in the classroom, the computer clock, or a timer, either the student or the teacher can time the break.
6. When the card is on yellow, if the student cannot regroup within the 1-2 minute period, gently encourage transitioning to the counseling office.
7. If a red card is visible, student can leave to go to the counseling office immediately.
8. When student returns to the classroom the cards will again be in use to visually indicate the current status to the student.
I'll bet this system would be a Hoot in Marine Boot Camp. "Hey Gunny, I need a time out to regroup". NB
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Old 05-02-2016, 04:03 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by 8gv View Post
I believe the solution is a complete and supportive family.

All the talk of failing schools leads me to wonder, what is the parents' accountability?

Fix the family problem and education will follow.
Thank you. Sums up the education of little Johnny and little Susie!
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Old 05-03-2016, 09:16 AM   #13
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mcdude, you know I love you to death, but in the controversial area of this Forum there is a Lake Issues and a General Issues area. This thread is in the General Issues area. I have to say it;

"The devil made me do it!"
F. Wilson
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Old 05-03-2016, 09:36 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Pineedles View Post
mcdude, you know I love you to death, but in the controversial area of this Forum there is a Lake Issues and a General Issues area. This thread is in the General Issues area. I have to say it;

"The devil made me do it!"
F. Wilson
Look again. The "General Issues" and "Boating Issues" forums are both in the "Lake Issues" category. They (and this entire forum) are intended for Lakes Region topics. This topic really doesn't qualify but I do loosen the rules a little in the Issues areas.
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Old 05-03-2016, 10:19 AM   #15
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Oh great one forgive me. I stand corrected and bow to your leniency in allowing this topic.
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