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Old 01-09-2006, 08:37 AM   #1
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Default Speed limit for Model Boats...

Check this out http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legi...06/HB1210.html

Nancy Johnson sponsored a bill that would restrict model boats to "headway speed". It will be debated Jan 10.

Good to know that all the other problems on the lake have been solved and that our government is down to the figuring out the small stuff.... Now what else could possibly cause problems once in a blue moon? Surely we need more laws.
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Old 01-09-2006, 08:54 AM   #2
Island Lover
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This new law only requires model boats to obey the same rules as real boats.

The real question is why are new laws about noise and model boats the latest thing to talk about. It seems to me its anything to distract attention from HB162.

This forum is "HB 162 Proposed Speed Limit Law"
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Old 01-09-2006, 09:33 AM   #3
camp guy
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Default Boat speed limits

I have a really simple idea for the boat speed limit issue: A boat may travel as fast as it is long, ie., a 22 foot boat may travel 22 mph, etc. This would effectively cap the Lake speed at under 50 mph, and the big boats would pay the big bucks to operate considering they use more fuel. The little guys would enjoy the benefit of a quieter Lake and the reduced fuel costs because they don't go that fast. This is WAY TO SIMPLE to be effective, but it might work. This would apply only to powerized vessels. One word of caution: Look out, here comes the Mount.
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Old 01-09-2006, 10:32 AM   #4
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Question Scale??

Now would this speed be to scale? Would this carry through if the speed limit law passes? Lessee, a 1/10th scale boat would only be able to do .5 mph in a NWZ?? Now would it be limited to 45 real MPH or 45 Scale MPH?? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Old 01-09-2006, 10:50 AM   #5
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Default Gated community

Originally Posted by Island Lover
This new law only requires model boats to obey the same rules as real boats.

The real question is why are new laws about noise and model boats the latest thing to talk about. It seems to me its anything to distract attention from HB162.

This forum is "HB 162 Proposed Speed Limit Law"
The intent of my post is not to distract from HB162, but to put more focus on it. I want to point out other cases of foolish laws that are proposed. Indeed, the speed limit may pass - but if it does, it is a reflection on how much a gated community cartel attitude prevails in NH. As lake house pricing rise, those that "have theirs" are passing laws that force everyone to play by their rules. No noise, no speed, no rafting - the next thing will be forcing bass fishers to stay 150 feet away from their docks.

As I've pointed out in other threads, the speed limit bill was marketed by a gated community funded political action committee and didn't have organized resistance. Citizen surveys were taken after a targeted marketing campaign that used funding, the press, and fear tactics. The law has nothing directly to do with safety, or even the people's will before they were "educated". It is about a small group of rich people that are using the power of lobbied politics to influence the NH government to get what they want and control others.

Those that gloat about this bill should consider that HB162 reflects a loss of personal freedom and reliance on individual responsibility in a state that used to cherish those attributes. Its a slippery slope that we continue to ride.

My boat has trouble reaching 45 - but I really am sorry that those who responsibly can go 50-60 are being impacted by a gated community attitude on a lake that is owned by people which live outside the gates.
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Old 01-09-2006, 10:57 AM   #6
Paugus Bay Resident
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Lake Geezer, well put. That's why I get concerned when NY (Lake George) is being used as a model for NH. Let's just legislate away any and all personal responsibility and be done with it
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Old 01-09-2006, 02:19 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Paugus Bay Resident
I get concerned when NY (Lake George) is being used as a model for NH. (
After reading that article in Saturday's Citizen, how can one still be concerned? Clearly, their success with their speed limit is all the evidence that anyone with an open mind would need to see that the exact same speed limits will work here.
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Old 01-10-2006, 10:07 AM   #8
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Default Now I have to finish the boat!

Originally Posted by Lakegeezer
Check this out http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legi...06/HB1210.html

Nancy Johnson sponsored a bill that would restrict model boats to "headway speed". It will be debated Jan 10.

Good to know that all the other problems on the lake have been solved and that our government is down to the figuring out the small stuff.... Now what else could possibly cause problems once in a blue moon? Surely we need more laws.
Now I have an incentive to finish my boat. Does anyone know were I can get a remote GPS or Speedometer for a Prather Deep V with a outboard so I will be able to monitor the speed. One does not want to be in violation of the law. I also need a good muffler for the tiny motor.

I have a remote control tunnel hull hydro but the lake is a bit choppy, any wave bigger than 1 inch makes the boat want to blow over. (flip backwards) I guess thats why we need a speed limit.

What will they think of next?
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Old 01-10-2006, 10:51 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by camp guy
I have a really simple idea for the boat speed limit issue: A boat may travel as fast as it is long, ie., a 22 foot boat may travel 22 mph, etc. This would effectively cap the Lake speed at under 50 mph, and the big boats would pay the big bucks to operate considering they use more fuel. The little guys would enjoy the benefit of a quieter Lake and the reduced fuel costs because they don't go that fast. This is WAY TO SIMPLE to be effective, but it might work. This would apply only to powerized vessels. One word of caution: Look out, here comes the Mount.
Great idea! I'll be able to hit a scary top speed of 10 mph on my PWC.
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Old 02-11-2006, 08:09 PM   #10
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Default Bill was torpedoed.....

Originally Posted by Lakegeezer
...Nancy Johnson sponsored a bill that would restrict model boats to "headway speed". It will be debated Jan 10....
Good to know that all the other problems on the lake have been solved and that our government is down to the figuring out the small stuff....
From the House Journal:

HB 1210, restricting the speed of remote controlled model boats. INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE

Rep. David H. Russell for Resources, Recreation and Development: This bill was introduced at the request of a constituent whose property had sustained substantial damage by a remote controlled boat. While the committee is certainly sympathetic to the case, the general consensus was that these cases are best handled locally. If that fails, certainly the civil courts could solve any litigation. For purposes of this bill, “headway speed” is not applicable. Vote 14-1.

It was rumored that members of the committee were prejudiced (allegations swirled on various anti-model boating websites that several members of the RR&D were avid model boat builders in their youth) however the mud didn't stick and the bill floated as well as a lead hull....

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