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Old 02-11-2010, 05:24 PM   #1
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Default Veasey Shore road

Does anyone have any historical information on Veasey Shore Road. I have heard that there used to be an estate or Lodge there and most of the land was owned by Eldrige or Pritzken. I also learned that the cottage on one of the lots was brought over from Beaver Island before J. Beaver owned it. There was a great old house with a big boathouse which is still there but the house has been torn down and the lot has been split. At one time there was a big apple orchard off the road I think it was called Haladegs orchard and the house is still there and the land is being farmed by J Moulton. There is a great hill called Millstone that has a terrific view of the lake. Just interrested in the history.
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Old 02-12-2010, 05:32 PM   #2
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My family use to rent cottages from Lewis & Gladys Veasey for many years.
Lew use to own all the cottages that where in the cove. They are now all sold off seperatly. Lew & Gladys use to live in the old house on Veasey Road until they sold it and moved down by the lake where the cottages were.
They had 8 cottages all lined around the sandy cove.
At the end of the road there use to be a cottage with a boat house under it and that was always called Fitcans (sp)
Lew told me that the town was going to name the road, Fitcans road, but because his father and mother lived there many years before they agreed to call it Veasey Shore Road.
My mother & father spent thier honeymoon there and got to be good freinds with Lew & Gladys. They where married in July 1933.
The first time I went there I was still inside my mother! So I was told! I don't remember! hahaha
We spent every summer vacation up there until the property was sold and Lew & Gladys moved to the channel between Big and Little Sqam.
I use to visit Lew & Gladys until they both passes away.
They where good freinds and I do miss them!
They told me lots of stories but it would take to long to tell them all.

Have a good day.

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Old 02-13-2010, 09:54 AM   #3
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Default Veasey Shore

Originally Posted by CEP View Post

My family use to rent cottages from Lewis & Gladys Veasey for many years.
Lew use to own all the cottages that where in the cove. They are now all sold off seperatly. Lew & Gladys use to live in the old house on Veasey Road until they sold it and moved down by the lake where the cottages were.
They had 8 cottages all lined around the sandy cove.
At the end of the road there use to be a cottage with a boat house under it and that was always called Fitcans (sp)
Lew told me that the town was going to name the road, Fitcans road, but because his father and mother lived there many years before they agreed to call it Veasey Shore Road.
My mother & father spent thier honeymoon there and got to be good freinds with Lew & Gladys. They where married in July 1933.
The first time I went there I was still inside my mother! So I was told! I don't remember! hahaha
We spent every summer vacation up there until the property was sold and Lew & Gladys moved to the channel between Big and Little Sqam.
I use to visit Lew & Gladys until they both passes away.
They where good freinds and I do miss them!
They told me lots of stories but it would take to long to tell them all.

Have a good day.

Where was the cove and where was the house at the end of Veasey Road. Are you referring to an old house with a great granite stone fireplace that was torn down . The Boathouse is still there and a new home has been built behind it.? My old neighbor mentioned to me that Fitcans (sp) owned the property. I would like to know if you remembered the home and cottages that had a large sign Sunbeam Lodge and about 3 or 4 cabins on the property. I have the sign and hang it on A cottage that is perched right on the lake . The cottage is the last one that was part of the original property'
My neighbor Frank, who has since passed away, said that William Ben Ames used to write in the cabin and wrote the script for a movie there. Was the Beaver Island landing there when you visited the area? I would be most interested in any stories or details about the area that you could remember and I will see if I can relate them to the current neighborhood.
Thanks for the information.
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Old 02-14-2010, 06:59 AM   #4
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Sunbeam Lodge:

I sent you a private message OK?

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Old 02-14-2010, 09:59 AM   #5
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Thank You.
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Old 02-18-2010, 09:11 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Sunbeam lodge View Post
Does anyone have any historical information on Veasey Shore Road. I have heard that there used to be an estate or Lodge there and most of the land was owned by Eldrige or Pritzken. I also learned that the cottage on one of the lots was brought over from Beaver Island before J. Beaver owned it. There was a great old house with a big boathouse which is still there but the house has been torn down and the lot has been split. At one time there was a big apple orchard off the road I think it was called Haladegs orchard and the house is still there and the land is being farmed by J Moulton. There is a great hill called Millstone that has a terrific view of the lake. Just interrested in the history.
I grew up on Veasey Shore Road. My uncle was Algie Veasey, brother to Otis and Lew, who grew up in the homestead on Hale Road that was torn down for salvage in the early 70's. The apple orchards was started by Arthur Hale, retired superintendent for the Franklin MA school district. My dad and uncle planted the apple trees as wisps in 1935 or 36. The orchards and white house was called Haleledges. His wife was a Lincoln. Their daughter married an Eldridge and her son is a long time resident of Meredith. Eben Lincoln Shores were the nice secluded coves before the Beaver Is. landing. It's not secluded anymore. The trail up Millstone Mountain started across the road from the path down to Eben Lincoln. The Lincoln Hotel used to be up on Old Center Harbor Road near the top of Beattie Road. It was abandoned for years and burned to the ground in the early 50's. Bud Fitkin had the big place with the boat house at the end of the road right after Sunbeam. Nice guy, made his money in utilities. Always had spiffy cars. My old man was the caretaker on Beaver Island for John Shepard III after WWII and into the early 50"s. We lived there part of the year but I'm too young to remember anything but the big scary fireplace. My sister died in infancy and it's her grave site at the high point on the island. Ben Ames Williams owed Sunbeam, I think, and then became part owner of Beaver Is with a big time NY lawyer. He wrote several novels that became movies, one about a murder on an island that starred George Raft. There was a building on Cottage Road called The Red Camp that was moved there from Beaver over the ice. Like most, it was only used in the summer time because it wasn't insulated and sat on blocks.

Last edited by Natt; 02-18-2010 at 04:18 PM.
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Old 02-18-2010, 09:36 AM   #7
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Welcome aboard. Nice post.
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Old 02-18-2010, 01:20 PM   #8
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Ya, great memory with all the names. Welcome to the forum.
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Old 02-19-2010, 06:52 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Sunbeam lodge View Post
Thank You.
I received some Email responses with Veasey Shore Information. I loaded them on my Apple desktop. Can someone suggest how I can
add them to this Veasey Shore thread?
Thank you
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Old 02-20-2010, 06:57 AM   #10
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If it's just text "copy then paste and match style".
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Old 02-20-2010, 09:59 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Jonas Pilot View Post
If it's just text "copy then paste and match style".
Thanks. I would like to share some history I received by E Mail for those who might be interested. I will put them on more than one post. The first is my my E- Mail.
Thanks for the response. I would like to know if you can remember any details or locations on VSR. My next door neighbor had a lot of the old history of this area but I don't know if some of it was factual. If you remember some more details I can try and tell you what VSR looks like now. Around 1970 we looked for a lot here and the real estate broker indicated an estate on VSR was going to be split up. But he never got back to us and time went on and we forgot about it. In 1993 while looking at a lot Eldrige had for sale on VSR we happened to continue up the road and came across a "For Sale" sign on a lot next to Beaver Island landing. It looked familiar and as it turned out it was the same lot we had looked at years before and it was owned by Del Prete who owned the big house with the granite fireplace and boathouse. When I looked him up I discovered that he lived in Duxbury Mass.*where I was living at the time and also that I worked , as a summer job, in construction for his father while I was going to Northeastern University. He sold me the lot and I built on it in 1994 when I returned from Germany where I ran a division of Raytheon.
So if you have anything you want me to check on or you know any history of Sunbeam Lodge I would appreciate hearing from you.
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Old 02-20-2010, 10:01 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Jonas Pilot View Post
If it's just text "copy then paste and match style".
I’m glad you e-mailed me because I have always had problems posting to the forum and when I type a lot and it loses it, I get very annoyed!! This will be much better!
Now! For Veasey Shore Road.
You enter at Rt.25 and then there is a sharp bend in the road to the right and if you go to the left it will bring you to Leavitt’s Park. When I use to go up there, there where no houses on that road except Lew Veasey’s place. As you take the sharp turn right, about ¼ of a mile down the road Veasey’s white house set up off the road to the right.
About 100 feet down the road was an old dirt road on the left. This was the road to the camps/cottages we stayed at for many years.
Now when Lew sold the old house, he built a new one down near the lake where the camps where. He extended the old dirt road and it dead-ended at his place and camp #8. Camp #8 was the old bunkhouse he moved down there from the old place, up on the road.
Now the road went passed his place and ended. If I can remember right there was an Iron Gate and perhaps two stone pillars at the entrance to Fitcans or Fitkans, not sure how the name is spelled.
I never went down in there by land, because it had a Keep Out sign and No Trespassing notice. I use to go buy there by water all the time but I could only see the boathouse and never knew if there was a big house in further.
Now you wanted to know where Veasey Cove was. I don’t know how familiar you are with that area but I’ll give you a description as best as I can.
Coming down the shoreline heading south from Center Harbor there is a small island with a house on it and the house takes up all the island it is not passable between the island and the main shore. That’s how close the island is to the shore.
The next cove down is Veasey’s Cove. When he built his house near the water, he painted it red and I noticed the new owners have added a second story to it.
There is a white/black top buoy right in front of this house.
Still traveling down the shore you get to what we called first point, and then there is another cove. Someone has built a large house in there.
Then there is another point and an all sandy cove we use to call diddle cove. Very shallow but nice for swimming but now someone has a camp or house in there and I’m sure that’s private now.
Follow the shore still heading south and you get to the boathouse that was called Fitcans /Fitkans. I remember it had a stone foundation with a room on top with a deck over the boathouse itself.
I don’t know of Beaver Landing. The only landing I know of is Cattle Landing. That is down a ways from Brown’s Boat Basin.
I never heard from Lewy about Sunbeam Lodge but it could have been it was Fitcans.
He did tell me that there was a place that the old boys use to get together and have a few and raise the dickens!! Lew told me one time the old boys got to drinking and a bet was made that this guy couldn’t go through the Beaver Channel full speed. So with a speedboat, like the Miss Winnipesaukee, he went through the channel full speed, pitch dark, no lights and back to the Fitcans boathouse. Now if you ever have been through that channel you’d wonder how he did it but he did, drunk as a skunk!!!
Now he did tell me that his mother & father had a big farm at one time and this apple orchard you mentioned might have been part of the farm. His parents lived there for many years. In fact they where the first people in that area. Lewy told me when his father owned the place there was only 1 camp and Capt. Blackstone (captain of the old side-wheeler Mount Washington) use to keep a row boat there and on weekends he use to row over to Beaver Island and stay the weekend with his girlfriend.
Do you live in that area now?
If you do, Lews’ son still lives up there. The last time I knew he lived in Holderness NH. His name is William L. Veasey.
I’m sure he would have more information; I think he’s 69 or 70 years old.
Let me know how you made out. It would be interesting to find out about Sunbeam Lodge and etc.
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Old 02-20-2010, 10:08 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Jonas Pilot View Post
If it's just text "copy then paste and match style".
The white house you mentioned is still there it is owned By Alexa. There is a woodworking shop next to it now. The cottages down the hill and to the left are still there and have not been replaced by maga-mansions. The granite stone pillars are long gone but the boathouse is still *there. The old house was torn down and the lot was split into 2. A house was built behind the boathouse and it is on the Market . This was part of Fitkins property but there are now 6 mansions there. *The small house on the Island called "little Loon" is still there. What you called "first point"is now called Hornets Nest point. The place where you swam (diddle cove) in the little sandy cove was bought by Billings from California and is also on the market. My, how times have changed.
It was part of the Eldrige property. Beaver Island landing is where the Island residents keep their boats. My home is next door and the cabin I spoke about is perched right on the edge of the lake. The story about the good times the boys had is probably true. There was and still is a flagpole in front of the old home and the round ball on top is shot full of bullet holes. I frequently visited the old home before it was torn down and the owner showed me furniture full of buckshot holes and bullet holes over the fireplace. I agree that the beaver channel is hard enough to get through sober never mind being drunk. The old apple orchard is gone and it is being farmed by John Moulton who has the big farm on route 25. I have a picture of the old Halladech orchard sign before it too disappeared.The house on Beaver Island is still there and now owned by Dartmouth College after John Beaver passed away.
There were few homes on Veasey Shore when I built my retirement home there and my taxes were $3600 per year. Since then the taxes have increased steadily up to $15,500 now.Times have certainly changed
I will see if I can post some pictures but I may have to send a couple of E mails to do it.
Hope you found this information interesting and I could not locate the Veasey in Holderness.
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Old 02-20-2010, 10:12 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Jonas Pilot View Post
If it's just text "copy then paste and match style".
I am sure this is not the right way to pass on the information but I came from a different Electronic age. You had to turn the crank handle on the telephone or use morse code.

I received your pictures. They came through excellent. They brought back good memories to me! Thanks!
I have never seen Beaver Channel froze over.
We went up there one year in the winter but only to visit Lew & Gladys, we never ventured out on the lake. Lew had a snowmobile he use to go over to the island and check out the places for people. He use to watch the places on the islands and if anything happened he would notify them.
So from what I can see your place is about half way between Diddle cove and Fitcans place, am I right so far?
You only stay up there in the summer and you take the winters in Florida. Right?
Your place looks very relaxing but with all the neighbors around there, it can be a bit noisy at times, unless they are quiet people.
Yes! I know how the price range of places are up there. From time to time I check out the Realty Companies and see what is available.
A while back Veasey Camp #1 and #5 where for sale and they had a big price on them.
I found William Veasey in Holderness but his phone number was not listed.
I talked with my sister, who is older than I am and use to hang out with Billy and his sister Norma. We tried to find Norma but she is not listed. My sister said, her married name was Coliss (sp) but she may have gotten a divorce and remarried. So we hit a dead end there. We are still looking around and I will defiantly pass it on to you.
One thing that pops into my memory is, if you look from your place and to the right you will see what use to be a gray boathouse on the mainland and just a little to the right of that boathouse there was bell rock. There was a gentleman who lived way in Advent Cove and he couldn’t see the lake from his place. He loved to fish and so he placed a floating bell anchored to a large rock, just a little ways from the entrance to Advent Cove.
In the morning he use to get up and listen, if he heard the bell ringing, he knew it was to ruff on the lake to go fishing but if he didn’t hear the bell, then it was calm enough to go out. Over the years the bell is gone but that big rock! It’s still there!
Also did you know that the first owner of Big Beaver is buried there?
His remains are sealed in a ledge out back of the kitchen.
I am sorry to hear that Mr. Beaver has passed on. He seemed to be a nice person.
I remember going on the U.S. Mail Boat (Sophie C) and when the boat docked, Mr. Beaver had a dog that would leave the porch run along the path to the boathouse and out onto the dock. Take the mail pouch from the postmaster and bring the mail back to Mr. Beaver on the porch. I think the postmaster put a dog bone in the pouch as a payment for delivering the mail! Hahahahaha
Well! I’m starting to babble on here!! I’ll run along and if I find out anything I’ll pass it on. OK?
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Old 02-21-2010, 11:43 AM   #15
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Default VSR history

The owner of Beaver Island who had his ashes placed behind a rectangular plug cut out of the ledge behind the kitchen area of Belvidere Lodge was last name Kingdom. Your Diddle Cove is what we knew as Eben Lincoln Shore between Veasey and Fitkin and in from Hornets Nest point. The Veasey homestead is where the Haledges orchards were but planted after Veaseys moved.
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Old 02-21-2010, 12:51 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Natt View Post
The owner of Beaver Island who had his ashes placed behind a rectangular plug cut out of the ledge behind the kitchen area of Belvidere Lodge was last name Kingdom. Your Diddle Cove is what we knew as Eben Lincoln Shore between Veasey and Fitkin and in from Hornets Nest point. The Veasey homestead is where the Haledges orchards were but planted after Veaseys moved.
Thanks, We always wondered what Kingdom meant. There is also another rock marked on the inside channel between little and big Beaver. Across from Sullivans boathouse. I saw Eben Lincolns name show up somewhere when I researched the deed to the land my home is built on. Was the white house on Hale road up at the top of the hill what you refer to as the Homestead for Haledges orchard? Do you remember the cabin on the land next to Beaver landing? Right next to the cabin There was a huge leaning pine tree that blew down in a big windstorm. The cabin is the greatest place in the world to relax and listen to the waves. This could have been the place
Ames wrote his movie plays. One time a guy stopped by to say he used to vacation at the cottage and I showed him around. He indicated trucking company owner in Nashua had owned or rented there.
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Old 02-22-2010, 09:56 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Sunbeam lodge View Post
Thanks, We always wondered what Kingdom meant. There is also another rock marked on the inside channel between little and big Beaver. Across from Sullivans boathouse. I saw Eben Lincolns name show up somewhere when I researched the deed to the land my home is built on. Was the white house on Hale road up at the top of the hill what you refer to as the Homestead for Haledges orchard? Do you remember the cabin on the land next to Beaver landing? Right next to the cabin There was a huge leaning pine tree that blew down in a big windstorm. The cabin is the greatest place in the world to relax and listen to the waves. This could have been the place
Ames wrote his movie plays. One time a guy stopped by to say he used to vacation at the cottage and I showed him around. He indicated trucking company owner in Nashua had owned or rented there.
The white house was the Hale home now owned by grandson Paul Eldridge of Meredith. The Veasey homestead was on the right just before the bar way leading to the white house. That is the homestead that was torn down for salvage in the early seventies by a Steve Ahlgren, builder, from the Sanbornton area. I do remember the rustic cabin. Natt
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Old 08-27-2016, 07:17 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by CEP View Post

My family use to rent cottages from Lewis & Gladys Veasey for many years.
Lew use to own all the cottages that where in the cove. They are now all sold off separatly. Lew & Gladys use to live in the old house on Veasey Road until they sold it and moved down by the lake where the cottages were.
They had 8 cottages all lined around the sandy cove.
Just thought you might be interested in these: The passage between little and big beaver in the story you mentioned. the white house and the Hallidech orchard sign, the cottage towed across the ice and set up on Veasey and the inside of the bunkhouse which you may recognize.
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Old 04-21-2024, 08:51 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Natt View Post
The white house was the Hale home now owned by grandson Paul Eldridge of Meredith. The Veasey homestead was on the right just before the bar way leading to the white house. That is the homestead that was torn down for salvage in the early seventies by a Steve Ahlgren, builder, from the Sanbornton area. I do remember the rustic cabin. Natt
Hello former posters.
Well time has passed so i will bring info update. I bought the property at 110 Veasey shore from Del Prete in 1994. Wood and Clay built my home and i retired from Raytheon in 2000 after 39 years as a controller . I raised my 3 children and enjoyed the property until 2015 when after open heart surgery i had to sell the property as i could not keep it up. I also sold my Naples Fla Property and moved to Amelia Island fl to be close to my daughter. I am now 94 years Young and sorely miss the great years i lived there and brought up children. I still yearn to go back but The current residents do not seem interested in providing current info on the home. I would have liked to at least get an invitation to see the property if i was in NH. I sent them a lot of research on Beaver Island that i found that had a complete history. I do know the cottage on the lake has been changed completely from the quaint old place that was the greatest place in the world to Relax and sleep. I spent many nights there listening to the loon calls during the night. My heart aches just to relive those wonderful years and. I hope someone who would be interested in this post will respond.
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Old 04-21-2024, 09:33 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by SIKSUKR View Post
Ya, great memory with all the names. Welcome to the forum.
I just posted an update under a prior Nate post. I hope the other responders can find it but i wasnt sure how to post it to show it currently. Its been a while since the last post i hope some or original posters are still here.
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Old 04-21-2024, 10:49 AM   #21
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Wood and Clay builds beautiful homes. Would love you to post a picture of it.
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