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Old 06-05-2024, 10:58 AM   #1
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Default Vote Today in NHEC election...YES to bylaw change!

If you get your power from NHEC, you can and should vote in the Co-op’s annual election — the liveliest in memory. But act now. Balloting closes on June 12, and if you’re voting by paper ballot, you should mail it right away to make sure it gets there on time. To vote online follow directions on the ballot.

Why should you bother? Well, the 85-year-old Co-op is owned by its members, who elect its governing board. And, as it’s now widely known, its governance is in crisis. For the past year or so, it’s been locked in an endless series of 6-5 votes. Board meetings are marked by contention. Each side blames the other, but it’s clear something must change.

Our grass-roots organization, NH Broadband Advocates, is the largest organized group of NHEC members. In 2020 we spearheaded the drive to get the Co-op into the broadband business, which now serves 10,000 members and is on target to expand to 60,000. We’ve played a role in the last four elections, we watch the Co-op’s affairs closely, and we care deeply about its success — both on the electric and the internet side.

We strongly believe the way to get the Co-op back on track is to vote YES on a simple, straightforward bylaws change that guarantees directors have access to the information they need to make sound decisions. And to vote for the only three candidates who support this amendment — incumbents Leo Dwyer and Jeff Morrill and first-timer Jerry Stringham.

Opponents of the bylaw amendment have resorted to scare tactics. See this link to a letter to the editor which appeared this Tuesday in the Laconia Daily Sun: https://www.laconiadailysun.com/opin...5d05247ed.html The proposal has safeguards to prevent the harms claimed by opponents.

Only about 10 percent of Co-op members typically participate in annual elections, so elections are typically decided by narrow margins — both for board candidates (this year there are 9) and for initiatives to amend the bylaws.

It’s in your interest to participate in this election! Use your privilege to vote!

Thanks for your attention.

Richard Knox, Chair
NH Broadband Advocates
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Old 06-05-2024, 11:32 AM   #2
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I got my ballot in the mail yesterday! Thanks for your work on broadband. Now, if you can only grease the skids to get it to the islands

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Old 06-05-2024, 07:38 PM   #3
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The only thing RichardInSandwich got right was members can and should vote. After that, nosedive. Has anyone supporting this ridiculous bylaw change actually READ the bylaws? Or bothered to read the policy? Directors DO have access to documents needed to carry out their fiduciary responsibilities. In fact, I requested a recording of May's public session and the CEO confronts Leo Dwyer head on, asking if he, or any other director has ever been denied information they've requested. HE SAID NO!!!!! Another director also acknowledged in agreement!

The Chair explained in some letters to the editor that many directors do not use NHEC issued computers, or NHEC email. How can the co-op protect information going back and forth without security measures in place? Do the directors have the same security on their computers? I doubt it. If they got hacked and confidential business information was leaked it could be disastrous. If it's such a big deal, why don't directors just use NHEC protected devices and their NHEC email? Seems reasonable to me. They should be just as concerned with protecting shared information.

Think before you vote people. This bylaw change is to distract members from the real issues with the board. Dysfunction, disrespectful behavior, toxicity of the board dynamics, and hostile work environment is what former staff is saying. I'd trust them, not someone who isn't even on the board talking like they know what's actually happening.
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Old 06-05-2024, 09:13 PM   #4
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Default Who is tummywoman ????

Just for the record.....I use "tummyman" as my forum name and many people know who I am. However, this poster..."tummywoman" is not my wife or a female associated with me in any way. I have no idea who this person is or their intentions, but I certainly do not like what I think their intentions might be. They certainly could have picked a different forum name. Come on...get more creative.
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Old 06-06-2024, 06:15 AM   #5
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This "need" for "transparency" feels like what happened at Gunstock, a board thinking it is their job to override the management of the company. The management is focused and knowledgeable about the company and it's market. The governing board does NOT have this focus OR depth of knowledge. The board's job is oversite and setting the broader direction of the company by working WITH management, NOT micromanagement.

So, it is agreed by all that any information the board has requested it has access to. Where is a lack of transparency?

The board agreed that NHEC should diversify into internet access as a member service. That IS happening. The pace of that is NOT an issue since stuff happens on the way between planning and implementation.

It disturbs me that certain "enlightened" board members want to bypass security about members and contracts to make it "easier" to do their jobs. That seems irresponsible.

We have a utility that is providing reliable power and adding affordable internet services to more remote areas.

Let's not "Gunstock" it up with foolish and unnecessary bylaw changes or contentious directors that whine about such issues.
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Old 06-06-2024, 10:21 AM   #6
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Default Not like Gunstock!

Originally Posted by jeffk View Post
This "need" for "transparency" feels like what happened at Gunstock, a board thinking it is their job to override the management of the company. The management is focused and knowledgeable about the company and it's market. The governing board does NOT have this focus OR depth of knowledge. The board's job is oversite and setting the broader direction of the company by working WITH management, NOT micromanagement.

So, it is agreed by all that any information the board has requested it has access to. Where is a lack of transparency?

The board agreed that NHEC should diversify into internet access as a member service. That IS happening. The pace of that is NOT an issue since stuff happens on the way between planning and implementation.

It disturbs me that certain "enlightened" board members want to bypass security about members and contracts to make it "easier" to do their jobs. That seems irresponsible.

We have a utility that is providing reliable power and adding affordable internet services to more remote areas.

Let's not "Gunstock" it up with foolish and unnecessary bylaw changes or contentious directors that whine about such issues.
JeffK, What's going on at NHEC is not remotely like the Gunstock debacle. As for the board "overriding" management, under the Co-op's structure members own the company, we elect the board, management works for the board, not the other way around. Also worth noting: as a utility NHEC has monopoly powers and as a co-op, it regulates itself -- unlike other utilities regulated by the state Public Utilities Commission. Thus, meaningful board oversight of the reasonableness of rates and effectiveness of operations is crucial. Finally, NHEC's new broadband venture illustrates the power of member engagement (it originated with members, not the board or the management) and it was launched by a fruitful collaboration between visionary board members and hard-working management. Both sides in the election debate agree the current board needs to be changed to achieve the result you -- and really, we all -- want: a well-functioning collaboration between board and management.
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Old 06-06-2024, 11:06 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by RichardInSandwich View Post
JeffK, What's going on at NHEC is not remotely like the Gunstock debacle. As for the board "overriding" management, under the Co-op's structure members own the company, we elect the board, management works for the board, not the other way around. Also worth noting: as a utility NHEC has monopoly powers and as a co-op, it regulates itself -- unlike other utilities regulated by the state Public Utilities Commission. Thus, meaningful board oversight of the reasonableness of rates and effectiveness of operations is crucial. Finally, NHEC's new broadband venture illustrates the power of member engagement (it originated with members, not the board or the management) and it was launched by a fruitful collaboration between visionary board members and hard-working management. Both sides in the election debate agree the current board needs to be changed to achieve the result you -- and really, we all -- want: a well-functioning collaboration between board and management.
LOL, let’s maybe tamp down the “visionary board members” talk. Smaller utilities than NHEC have been rolling out FTTH projects for 20+ years. I guess they just finally caught up to what dozens of other utilities have been doing for a long time? So, good job, yay? They signed some contracts with outside vendors to build the infrastructure, but that doesn’t make them visionary experts in broadband deployment, and certainly not in power delivery. The inflated self-worth of some of these board members (and cult of personality they have fostered with allies) would be comical if it weren’t so destructive to the cooperative.
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Old 06-06-2024, 11:27 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Amy.Anna View Post
LOL, let’s maybe tamp down the “visionary board members” talk. Smaller utilities than NHEC have been rolling out FTTH projects for 20+ years. I guess they just finally caught up to what dozens of other utilities have been doing for a long time? So, good job, yay? They signed some contracts with outside vendors to build the infrastructure, but that doesn’t make them visionary experts in broadband deployment, and certainly not in power delivery. The inflated self-worth of some of these board members (and cult of personality they have fostered with allies) would be comical if it weren’t so destructive to the cooperative.
You seem to contradict yourself. If management was doing such a bang up job for membership, why were they so far behind in bringing the broadband initiative forward at all? It took the board and membership to get the ball rolling.

I guess I wonder what your alterior motives are. Is this another one of those “disinformation” campaigns? Are you “Tummywoman”?

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Old 06-06-2024, 01:43 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by The Real BigGuy View Post
You seem to contradict yourself. If management was doing such a bang up job for membership, why were they so far behind in bringing the broadband initiative forward at all? It took the board and membership to get the ball rolling.

I guess I wonder what your alterior motives are. Is this another one of those “disinformation” campaigns? Are you “Tummywoman”?

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I’m not contradicting anything. This election isn’t about broadband, nor is it even about the NHEC management of that past era. It’s about the continued dysfunction of this board and a very poorly considered bylaws amendment.

My motive: No public figure, nor issue, is above criticism and critique. It is not in dispute that there has been a rift between board members, and also between some board members and the executive team (there have only been about a hundred letters to local papers about these topics.) I want to know why, even after the entire executive team has voluntarily turned over (some might say “fled”) in the past 3-4 years, that certain members of this board continue to treat staff with open hostility and derision. Even one former board member called out the toxicity in his 2022 resignation letter (last attached page of these minutes): https://www.nhec.com/wp-content/uplo...ch-29-2022.pdf
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Old 06-06-2024, 07:17 PM   #10
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Sorry if I offend you Tummyman. I was told to 'be careful' posting here and voicing a different opinion because the fight gets dirty. I will state for the record, I don't know you, your wife, and I'm not associated with you or anyone else you know. I saw the name, it made me chuckle. Seems a bit much to have to be all creative just for a forum name.

To clarify, management does NOT work for the board. They work for the MEMBERS and report to the CEO. The CEO works for the MEMBERS, but reports to the board. There has been a lot of turnover, CEO's have left, management team has turned over more than once - all while under the "direction" of this board. Hello? What's the common denominator here? The board!! You can't tell me all of those people weren't good employees. The numbers just don't add up. This might end up exactly like Gunstock.

Why is management so far behind on the broadband build? These "visionary board members" signed the contracts with outside vendors. The CEO hadn't even started and the rest of the staff was fleeing. The board picked a crappy partner that obviously can't do what they said they could do. It is not the current management's fault for piss poor decisions the board made. They're just trying to clean it up.

My post was not a 'disinformation' campaign. It's FACT. If members really want a board that provides meaningful insight, and a management team to not run for the hills, vote for change based on facts.
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Old 06-06-2024, 07:34 PM   #11
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Dear tummywoman.....thanks for the note. But since you are at it and there are millions of names you could choose, maybe you could make me happy and pick another name before you post more. Just a thought but would be sincerely appreciated. Please consider my humble request.

Last edited by tummyman; 06-06-2024 at 07:35 PM. Reason: spelling error
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Old 06-08-2024, 08:10 AM   #12
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Default Why so grudging about a good thing?

Originally Posted by Amy.Anna View Post
LOL, let’s maybe tamp down the “visionary board members” talk. Smaller utilities than NHEC have been rolling out FTTH projects for 20+ years. I guess they just finally caught up to what dozens of other utilities have been doing for a long time? So, good job, yay? They signed some contracts with outside vendors to build the infrastructure, but that doesn’t make them visionary experts in broadband deployment, and certainly not in power delivery. The inflated self-worth of some of these board members (and cult of personality they have fostered with allies) would be comical if it weren’t so destructive to the cooperative.
As a broadband advocate, I appreciate your appreciation of the Co-op's broadband venture. But I can't fathom why you denigrate the hard work, persistence and, yes, visionary leadership of those who made it happen. (It wouldn't have otherwise!) That includes not just board members you find egotistical but, foremost, the 64.4% of NHEC members who voted for a broadband initiative four years ago, and the board members who rethought their initial opposition. Why not give credit where it's due, my fellow Sandwichian?
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Old 06-07-2024, 04:57 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by RichardInSandwich View Post
JeffK, What's going on at NHEC is not remotely like the Gunstock debacle. As for the board "overriding" management, under the Co-op's structure members own the company, we elect the board, management works for the board, not the other way around. Also worth noting: as a utility NHEC has monopoly powers and as a co-op, it regulates itself -- unlike other utilities regulated by the state Public Utilities Commission. Thus, meaningful board oversight of the reasonableness of rates and effectiveness of operations is crucial. Finally, NHEC's new broadband venture illustrates the power of member engagement (it originated with members, not the board or the management) and it was launched by a fruitful collaboration between visionary board members and hard-working management. Both sides in the election debate agree the current board needs to be changed to achieve the result you -- and really, we all -- want: a well-functioning collaboration between board and management.
Sorry but I disagree. It is exactly like Gunstock, a bunch of board members interfering with the management of a "company" that is, overall, functioning well. While I agree that the board is ultimately in charge, a wise board knows that they need to tread lightly and reign in their egos. The broadband initiative coming from outside management shows that the overall structure IS open to significant change. It IS happening. The fact that it is contentious and the rollout is a bit rocky is not surprising for a major change. That doesn't mean a power grab is necessary. THAT is what happened at Gunstock and appears to me what is happening here. The result was a dysfunctional "company".
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Old 06-06-2024, 09:19 AM   #14
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Default Prospects for NHEC island internet

Originally Posted by The Real BigGuy View Post
I got my ballot in the mail yesterday! Thanks for your work on broadband. Now, if you can only grease the skids to get it to the islands

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Thanx for your response, Real BigGuy. Once the election is past, we'll check on the prospects for island internet service. I urge you (and other Winni island residents) to make your views known to NHEC through letters and by offering comments at monthly board meetings (last Tues of every month); board agendas and minutes are at nhec.com.

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Old 06-06-2024, 10:25 AM   #15
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Default Electric rates in NH

NH has the highest electric rates in the continental US, surpassed only by Hawaii, last time we checked. From a purely selfish point of view, I am not a bit enthusiastic about NHEC delving into the expense of broadband. I know….selfish old curmudgeon here…my guess is that others feel the same way.
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Old 06-07-2024, 10:47 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by RichardInSandwich View Post
Thanx for your response, Real BigGuy. Once the election is past, we'll check on the prospects for island internet service. I urge you (and other Winni island residents) to make your views known to NHEC through letters and by offering comments at monthly board meetings (last Tues of every month); board agendas and minutes are at nhec.com.

When the NH Broadband initiative was announced along with the claim that all NHEC customers would eventually have the opportunity to subscribe to NH Broadband's fiber optic service, I thought, "really? Even on the Winnipesaukee islands that in some cases have customers that number in the single digits?" Putting down submarine fiber optic cable is expensive, especially when the return on investment is tiny. So I called NHEC and asked if in fact NH Broadband would eventually get around to servicing the Winnipesaukee islands, and I was told that yes, that is the plan. That would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.
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Old 06-09-2024, 08:07 AM   #17
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Because that might damage her argument?

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Old 06-26-2024, 05:33 PM   #18
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Default Nhec

turning into a real clown show...

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Old 06-26-2024, 08:17 PM   #19
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Here’s the stream from the meeting on Tuesday 6/25; minutes 3:00 and just about 46:00 are, in my opinion, of the most interest. Those who had the courage to speak up, spoke very well. As a member, now knowing the level of unprofessional behavior that has been taking place, I also hope that the board will return to serving us the way they have in the past. This is why voting and doing your homework is so important! We have been members for over 25 years, without choice, other than electing new terms for our board members. I am not ashamed to say that I did not vote for the people who are now in charge, and whose poor practices have now been brought to light.
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Old 06-27-2024, 08:39 PM   #20
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I'm confused. I read/hear plenty of accusations of unprofessional behavior, but except for one reference in the resignation letter to female managers being interrupted more than male managers, which was not substantiated, I don't think we've heard any specifics, or even any names. The debate over data access appeared bitter, but not necessarily unprofessional, unless I missed something. This is different than Gunstock, where we had news story after news story with specific behavior by named individuals.

Will someone please spell out the unprofessional behavior?
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