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Old 12-23-2010, 06:39 AM   #1
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Post Blizzard saga continues...

Story is in numerous papers (Concord Monitor, Citizen, etc.) but this particular coverage is from the Union Leader.
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Old 12-23-2010, 08:56 AM   #2
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She's look'n a lot better in her photo so probably her banged up facial bones are heeling up like they is supposed to. Usually, when someone looks better, they feel better too so that's good for her. The trial is now long time gone, the verdict was made and this latest boating license issue is strictly a small potatos issue. Possibly some type of community service like teaching Laconia 14-year olds how to waterski would be a more appropriate punishment?

The Laconia judge took the case under advisement which means he needs some time to write up a legal decision that will stand up to the examination of the defendant's legal council, James Moir.

What will happen, and will this decision get appealed to a higher court such as the five NH supremes?

Anyone know how tall is Erica?

And for the record, over in the Union Leader, that troll F.L.Less and myself are too totally seperate and unknown to one another people. F.L.Less is some type of whacko fruitloop who has been posting troll notes for over two years now using a pseudonym somewhat similar to mine.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 12-23-2010 at 11:30 AM.
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Old 12-24-2010, 03:55 PM   #3
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Default Just Plain Mean

FLL you are just plain mean. You are Judge, jury, and hang man. Shame on you.
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Old 12-28-2010, 05:01 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Water Camper View Post
FLL you are just plain mean. You are Judge, jury, and hang man. Shame on you.
Excuse me, but what did I say that was mean? I said that she is looking better and that her banged up facial bones must be healing, which is very much a good thing for her. She was almost dead, and really took a hard hit to her face by striking the windshield while not wearing a seat belt because the boat probably did not have a seat belt so having a healthier look is definitely a good thing for her. Her friend Nicole, hit the same windshield and did not survive, so Erica is very fortunate to be alive don't you think?
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 12-29-2010, 04:52 AM   #5
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Question Just wonderin'...

How did Erica ever become President of a New Hampshire "safe-boaters" club?
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Old 12-29-2010, 03:01 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
How did Erica ever become President of a New Hampshire "safe-boaters" club?
Wasn't a WINNFABS founder's car involved in an accident involving an impaired driver
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Old 12-29-2010, 03:25 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
Wasn't a WINNFABS founder's car involved in an accident involving an impaired driver
It was either that or a PHWD violation (Polishing Halo While Driving).
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Old 12-29-2010, 03:34 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
Wasn't a WINNFABS founder's car involved in an accident involving an impaired driver
Why should a fact like that matter?
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Old 12-29-2010, 05:03 PM   #9
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Default Operating while intoxicated

It's sad that we tend to minimize the seriousness and consequences of impaired operation of vehicles, whether cars, boats, or whatever. And we all do that to some degree. I had the below link sent to me a while back, and found it to be the most effective video I have seen at showing the evolution from "good people just having a good time" to the resulting tragedy that permanently destroys the lives of those good people and the lives of those they share the road (or lake) with.
Regardless of anyone's opinion on a Speed Limit or on how much anyone feels is ok to drink while or before operating a vehicle, I think this is a very valuable watch.
This is not an accusation towards anyone in particular, or meant to say that any accusations being made here are true, so there is no need for anyone to get defensive. I just felt that the topic of operating while intoxicated was being thrown around here like it is a casual offense, and needed to be put into perspective.
And no one should say that this is not just as relevant to boating as it is to driving a car.
Please stay safe next summer, whether we still have a speed limit or not. My grandkids will be out on the lake with you.

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Old 12-29-2010, 07:55 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Bearislandmoose View Post
It's sad that we tend to minimize the seriousness and consequences of impaired operation of vehicles, whether cars, boats, or whatever. And we all do that to some degree. I had the below link sent to me a while back, and found it to be the most effective video I have seen at showing the evolution from "good people just having a good time" to the resulting tragedy that permanently destroys the lives of those good people and the lives of those they share the road (or lake) with.
Regardless of anyone's opinion on a Speed Limit or on how much anyone feels is ok to drink while or before operating a vehicle, I think this is a very valuable watch.
This is not an accusation towards anyone in particular, or meant to say that any accusations being made here are true, so there is no need for anyone to get defensive. I just felt that the topic of operating while intoxicated was being thrown around here like it is a casual offense, and needed to be put into perspective.
And no one should say that this is not just as relevant to boating as it is to driving a car.
Please stay safe next summer, whether we still have a speed limit or not. My grandkids will be out on the lake with you.

BIM, I don't think anyone is downplaying the seriousness of BWI/DWI. However because of the prevalence of the offense (and no demographic is spared) that it gets more acceptance by our society. The reason why the US has not eradicated the offense is the whole BWI/DWI deal is a money racket for the police, prosecuter, judge, insurance company, driving school, DMV, state coffer, defense attorney, and correctional officers. So who in that food chain would want DWI to be eradicated?

Looks at other countries with much lower rates of DWI and you'll see the punishment is much more severe.
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Old 12-30-2010, 06:41 AM   #11
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Cool Devil's in the Details...

Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
Wasn't a WINNFABS founder's car involved in an accident involving an impaired driver
1) Alas, that must have been me.

2) However, the other guy was the drunk driver—my car was parked and unoccupied—plus, I'm not a WinnFABS founder.

So, how did Erica ever become President of a New Hampshire "safe-boaters" club?
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Old 12-30-2010, 08:54 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
1) Alas, that must have been me.

2) However, the other guy was the drunk driver—my car was parked and unoccupied—plus, I'm not a WinnFABS founder.

So, how did Erica ever become President of a New Hampshire "safe-boaters" club?
And how many WINNFAB members have ever been convicted or related to someone found guilty of drunk driving?

Last time I checked, Ms Blizzard was not found guilty of BWI. You may not like that result but them's the facts.
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Old 12-30-2010, 02:00 PM   #13
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Thumbs down SOME Will Downplay the Seriousness of BWI...

Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
Last time I checked, Ms Blizzard was not found guilty of BWI. You may not like that result but them's the facts.

You're not outraged that a known factor like Erica could convince enough of Lake Winnipesaukee's "safe-boaters" to vote her President?

Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
And how many WINNFAB members have ever been convicted or related to someone found guilty of drunk driving?
Or, might have rented a house to them?

Or, skiied—or played tennis with them?


What happened to founders?

Anyway, regarding fatalities, WinnFABS members rank far below that "safe-boating-President" Erica Blizzard.
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Old 12-31-2010, 03:30 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
You're not outraged that a known factor like Erica could convince enough of Lake Winnipesaukee's "safe-boaters" to vote her President?
I notice in your previous post you mentioned BWI. Too my knowledge Ms Blizzard has never been convicted of BWI/DWI.

Psst: I am taking my wife for a nice dinner and staying the night at an Inn in Durham, NH tonight for New Year's eve. We'll even have several drinks. Ohhhhh the HORRORS!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-01-2011, 04:40 AM   #15
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Angry Playing-Around with the Seriousness of BWI/DWI...

Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post

You're not outraged that a known factor like Erica could convince enough of Lake Winnipesaukee's "safe-boaters" to vote her President?

Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
To my knowledge Ms Blizzard has never been convicted of BWI/DWI.
You're not outraged that a known factor like a President of a "safe boating" club was never convicted of BWI/DWI?

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Old 01-01-2011, 02:03 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
You're not outraged that a known factor like a President of a "safe boating" club was never convicted of BWI/DWI?
I wasn't on the jury. I didn't sit through the trial and only got sparse info from Winni.com Regardless of what you and I may think, the justice system resulted in Ms Blizzard not being convicted of BWI.

In my opinion, the laws are set-up in the country to condone DWI/BWI. Like I have posted many times, it's a money making industry for a lot of people. We could nearly eradicate the offense with very stiff fines and penalties so people would shake in their boots at the thought of getting caught. Follow the money.

You also seem to have it in for Ms Blizzard. I could care less about her and I doubt she's living the life of luxury that you think she is. She's got a felony police record the for the rest of her life, had to spend time in jail of which one day would be too much for me, and she has to deal with all the fallout from the accident.
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Old 01-01-2011, 03:13 PM   #17
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Everyone is outraged when they hear of yet another boating accident caused by an impaired driver. It happens all year, every year, particularly at night. It happens at slow speeds, higher speeds, big boats, small boats, you name it.

Many of us brought up the drinking in both infamous Winni accidents, many times. Most everytime we brought up BUI as a major problem, WINNFAB supporters and member alike told us about speeding and the speed limit bill. Even as the speeds of the boats in question were brought to light, they yelled all the more for a speed limit.

Now we have those same people harping about BUI. They try to insinuate, or flat out say, that it's still this one group of people doing all the drinking. It's blatantly obvious to me that that group still hasn't moved from a one-topic, selfishly motivated discriminatory issue, to the real issues of safety.

Even APS comes up with a nagging concern that some of us weren't/aren't outraged. Interesting as it would be to review his posts concerning BUI in the heat of battle during those accident threads, why bother? Suffice it to say, those opposed to the SL thought both boaters were intoxicated, used terrible judgment, and would have been involved in those very same accidents, SL or no SL.

The real trouble comes when people that don't use any facts or wisdom while suggesting or promoting rules and new laws, start misrepresenting the facts, or just create some of their own. Perhaps it's time to start working on real solutions, not just things that don;t go past your own noses?
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Old 01-03-2011, 06:29 AM   #18
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Question Impaired Presidents Get Winnipesaukee's Votes...?

Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
Psst: I am taking my wife for a nice dinner and staying the night at an Inn in Durham, NH tonight for New Year's eve. We'll even have several drinks. Ohhhhh the HORRORS!!!!!!!!!
No "horrors" at all—congratulations—in fact!

Just as Erica did—amply —you have met the prime prerequisite to become President of a "safe-boaters" club.

Originally Posted by VtSteve View Post
Everyone is outraged when they hear of yet another boating accident caused by an impaired driver. It happens all year, every year, particularly at night...Many of us brought up the drinking in both infamous Winni accidents, many times. Most everytime we brought up BUI as a major problem, WINNFAB supporters and member[s] alike told us about speeding and the speed limit bill. Even as the speeds of the boats in question were brought to light, they yelled all the more for a speed limit.
1) When were any of those fatal-crash-boats NOT oversized?

2) When were any of those fatal-crash-speeds NOT excessive?

3) On at least the five fatal occasions I can recall on Lake Winnipesaukee, each was going too fast and each was oversized.

4) So because of various meanderings far away from "safe boaters", my weighty question remains neglected and unanswered:

How did Erica ever become President of a New Hampshire "safe-boaters" club?
Hundreds of members reading this forum, and nobody knows???
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Old 01-03-2011, 02:01 PM   #19
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[QUOTE=Acres per Second;147156]
1) When were any of those fatal-crash-boats NOT oversized?

Can you show me in any NH RSA's for Lake Winni where the description of what oversize boat is?
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Old 01-03-2011, 05:35 PM   #20
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Default Undersized Hats

Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post

4) So because of various meanderings far away from "safe boaters", my weighty question remains neglected and unanswered:

Hundreds of members reading this forum, and nobody knows???
Your question remains unanswered because you are the only one who cares.

Regarding the issue of oversized boats; is the Mount oversized? Is your 23 foot boat oversized?

Tell an island resident that their 27' Pursuit is oversized on a rainy, windy night when they are headed home for the weekend. Something is oversized when it won't fit in its intended location (hey that 5/16" bolt is oversized for that 1/4" nut).

I think you have worn too many undersized hats in your day.
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Old 01-04-2011, 07:56 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
No "horrors" at all—congratulations—in fact!

Just as Erica did—amply —you have met the prime prerequisite to become President of a "safe-boaters" club.
I seem to ask you this question a LOT. But, I will ask you once again. What is wrong with going out and having some alcoholic beverages? He stated that he is spending the night there. He is not driving home, and he is not getting in a boat either. He is spending the night.

Just because you may not drink alcohol does not mean that others cannot enjoy it in the way they see fit (as long as it is within the realm of the law of course).
Getting ready for winter!
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Old 01-04-2011, 08:46 PM   #22
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Default A Cult's Culture...

Maybe you missed this article:

Offshore, a new focus on safety

The push is on to curtail drinking and boating

In a state historically known for resistance to regulation, New Hampshire legislators turned heads this month when they voted to impose speed limits on the state’s biggest lake, Lake Winnipesaukee. Now, boaters will be restricted to traveling no faster than 45 miles per hour by day and 30 miles per hour at night.

The move comes after a number of highly publicized boating fatalities...

In the aftermath of the tragedies, public calls have gone out across the region for greater safety on waterways, where boats whiz along at higher and higher speeds and drunken boating increasingly is viewed as a scourge and not a summer rite.

“Tolerance is getting lower,’’ said John Fetterman, director for law enforcement for the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators. “As the technology pushes these things faster and faster, there is a public demand for safety.’’

...boating fatality figures still hover in the double digits in a number of states...

Coast Guard officials say that alcohol remains the leading contributing factor to boating fatalities.

Now, many say the time has come to further lower the numbers.

Law enforcement has responded with aggressive patrols despite dwindling budgets.

A challenge to reining in drinking and boating lies in the ubiquity of the practice. While a captain may not pilot a boat and drink alcohol, alcohol is allowed on boats — with some exceptions, such as in state parks in Massachusetts.

Also, excessive use can be difficult to detect on the water, where some traditional field sobriety tests — like walking in a straight line — are unusable, officials say.

More difficult to break is the cultural acceptance of drinking and boating.

“It’s summertime, people are out with friends and family and they look at the boat as a social setting.’’ So they grab a beer as they captain a boat.

“We still see people driving a boat and as you drive by, they tuck it under the gunnel — so you know that people know that it’s illegal,’’ Baker said.

In Massachusetts, a first offense “BUI’’ is punishable by up to 30 months in jail and a fine of $1,000; an offender may have his or her motor vehicle license suspended.

Some say that stiff laws and stepped-up enforcement have changed attitudes, but not enough.

“It used to be OK to drink and drive for the jolly old boys. These days, if you get caught there is a stigma now,’’ said Sergeant Alan Gillis of Maine’s Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Warden Service.

“We’re not quite at that point with boating. A guy takes his boat out and has a beer and it doesn’t have that stigma, but it’s going in that direction.’’

In Maine, new demands went up for heightened boating safety after a 32-foot speedboat, named No Patience, slammed into a 14-foot fiberglass motorboat on Long Lake in 2007, slicing it in half and killing Raye Trott and his girlfriend, Suzanne Groetzinger...

LaPointe’s speedboat was going so fast it flew out of the water and landed 130 feet in the woods.

A blood test showed that LaPointe’s blood alcohol content was 0.11 percent three hours after the crash. Maine’s legal limit to operate a boat or a motor vehicle is 0.08 percent.

A jury convicted LaPointe on two counts of aggravated operating under the influence, but deadlocked on the more serious charge of manslaughter. He is serving a three-year prison sentence.

New England states require varying degrees of boating education. Massachusetts only requires it for operators between the ages of 12 and 15 who drive boats without adult supervision. New Hampshire requires training for people 16 and over who operate boats with more than 25 horsepower.

Speed laws are also a patchwork in New England — even within states. In Massachusetts, the limit is 45 miles per hour on inland waterways, except on certain bodies of water such as Lake Quinsigamond, which has lower limits, said Lieutenant Merri Walker of the Massachusetts Environmental Police.

In New Hampshire, a state that prides itself on its libertarian leanings, where motorcyclists may ride without helmets, the fight over speed limits on Lake Winnipesaukee became a pitched battle, running some six years in the Legislature.

“Some people wanted to be able to go as fast as they wanted to,’’ said Portsmouth state Senator Martha Fuller Clark, the prime sponsor of the speed limit legislation. “But there are people who kayak, who have felt intimidated by these boats going very fast.’’

Opponents argued that the state already limited boats to very slow speeds when near swimmers, other boats, or docks. They also argued that new limits would deter out-of-state boaters and hurt tourism.

But the bill enjoyed public support, in part galvanized by the Blizzard case.

Blizzard, as head of New Hampshire Recreational Boaters Association, had testified before the Legislature against speed limits for Lake Winnipesaukee.

Two months later, she and two friends had dinner and cocktails at a restaurant and then piloted across the lake...

They were traveling back across the lake when the boat hit a ledge. She was convicted on March 18 and later sentenced to at least six months imprisonment.

Sarah Schweitzer can be reached at schweitzer@globe.com.

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Old 01-05-2011, 10:59 AM   #23
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APS, can you use your own words instead of cutting and pasting?
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Old 01-05-2011, 01:43 PM   #24
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[QUOTE“Some people wanted to be able to go as fast as they wanted to,’’ said Portsmouth state Senator Martha Fuller Clark, the prime sponsor of the speed limit legislation. “But there are people who kayak, who have felt intimidated by these boats going very fast.’’QUOTE]

Let's be clear: Martha "FULL-OF-IT" Clark is now the FORMER State Senator. Ya hear that? FORMER. The voters were sick of her BS and fired her sorry butt. Maybe next time she'll focus on issues that matter, instead of focusing on lies and fabrications in order to push WINNFABS' agenda through. Unfortunately, there are more where she came from so they are next on the list to go.

Last edited by Seaplane Pilot; 01-05-2011 at 03:32 PM. Reason: Fixed a spelling error before APS caught it!
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Old 01-11-2011, 11:54 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
Maybe you missed this article:

Offshore, a new focus on safety
The push is on to curtail drinking and boating

(Article text removed for clarity and because APS only pastes what he WANTS you to see! PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK (or the www.boston.com link below) to read the complete, un-expurgated version.)

Sarah Schweitzer can be reached at schweitzer@globe.com.

© Copyright 2010 Globe Newspaper Company.
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APS, I'm getting caught up on the various boating threads and I can't help but notice, considering how much of that Boston.com article you cut and pasted, I find it interesting you completely ignored this paragraph (quoted below for those that didn't read the entire article);

Observers say that two key moves could dramatically decrease boating fatalities: increased use of life jackets and boating education. According to Coast Guard data, two-thirds of victims in boating fatalities drown, and only 10 percent of deaths occurred on boats where the operator had received boating safety instruction.
Was that just an oversight on your part or did you intentionally skip it because it doesn't mention speed limits as a key issue?? Knowing your penchant for cutting and pasting, I'd have to guess it was intentionally ignored! Not surprising coming from you.
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Old 12-30-2010, 07:14 PM   #26
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hey....when it comes to jury verdicts.....some people are just lucky....and get a friendly jury or something........remember that O J Simpson guy down in Los Angeles....... anyone?
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 12-30-2010, 08:12 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
hey....when it comes to jury verdicts.....some people are just lucky....and get a friendly jury or something........remember that O J Simpson guy down in Los Angeles....... anyone?
yes, and some people are just called "whacko fruitloops" .......
So what have we learned in the past two thousand years?

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of Obamunism should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest the Republic become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."

. . .Evidently nothing.

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Old 12-24-2010, 04:40 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
And for the record, over in the Union Leader, that troll F.L.Less and myself are too totally seperate and unknown to one another people. F.L.Less is some type of whacko fruitloop who has been posting troll notes for over two years now using a pseudonym somewhat similar to mine.
Really? Hmmm....whacko fruitloop. That sure sums it up nicely. Thanks.
So what have we learned in the past two thousand years?

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of Obamunism should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest the Republic become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."

. . .Evidently nothing.

(Cicero, 55 BC augmented by me, 2010 AD)
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