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View Poll Results: Meredith Island Resident Boat Parking
I am a Meredith Island Resident. 13 16.88%
I am not Located In Meredith. 27 35.06%
I am For Designated Island Resident Boat Parking 19 24.68%
Leave Boat Parking Alone In Meredith. 50 64.94%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 77. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-07-2011, 07:24 AM   #1
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Default Exclusive Meredith Island Property Owner Boat Parking

Currently the Town of Meredith Selectman have a proposal to designate part of all town docking facilities as "Island Residents Only Boat Parking". This is what most towns do for their Island land owners, Gilford, Moultonboro, and Wolfboro all have designated docking so Island residents who do not have slips can get parking to go to shopping etc. If you are a Meredith Island land owner do you agree or disagree with this proposal? (I can PM you a copy of the proposal if you would like to see what exactly is proposed).

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Old 09-07-2011, 07:32 AM   #2
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If you could send me a copy that would be much appreciated.
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:12 AM   #3
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Please advise where the Moultonboro docks are for island owners. The few available at Lees Mills are leased to specific people, I believe.
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:26 AM   #4
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Default Lees Mills

Last time I was at Lees mills at least one dock said island residents
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:34 AM   #5
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Default Docking in meredith

Docking (parking???) in Meredith is already a decent challenge on weekends. The wait time can be a pain as it is.
I would think all the restaurants/shops in that area would be against this, as they all compete for dollars.
The only people this will benefit is the island property owners, and absent an emergency, I guess I don't see why any such priority should be given. Maybe it is lost on me.
Again, absent an emergency.
My boating time is limited, just as their's is.
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:36 AM   #6
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Default Please answer both questions If you are going to respond

Please answer the question as to your residence if you are going to respond to either question 3 or 4. Other wise I will have to assume you are NOT a resident of Meredith. Thanks.
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:53 AM   #7
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Default Our Boat is our Car

Originally Posted by sa meredith View Post
Docking (parking???) in Meredith is already a decent challenge on weekends. The wait time can be a pain as it is.
I would think all the restaurants/shops in that area would be against this, as they all compete for dollars.
The only people this will benefit is the island property owners, and absent an emergency, I guess I don't see why any such priority should be given. Maybe it is lost on me.
Again, absent an emergency.
My boating time is limited, just as their's is.
Island residents pay a lot of taxes to the town. Our only return is public parking and docking. I live on Bear Island and do not go to Meredith and frequent businesses because I can not be assured of at least some limited parking reserved for Island Residents. Once I go to my car I will go somewhere other than Meredith for dinner or shopping. So from my perspective the businesses should think this a good idea. Also remember we are talking about Shep Brown's and Cattle Landing as primary town docks used by Island people. Sheps is the only business at one (there would be plenty of public parking for those going to Sheps Marine store) and Cattle Landing has no accessable commercial establishments
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Old 09-07-2011, 09:16 AM   #8
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Default Maybe

I don't get it...if the docks are full...at capacity...no more room...why would the buisnesses give a hoot as to where the money is coming from?
In fact, I would submit, a weekender is apt to spend more money at a restaurant.
But..off topic anyway.
I would again asked to have it explained to me, absent an emergency, why an island resident should have priority...let's say, be able to pull in and dock, enjoy breakfasts at George's, while I wait my turn. Doesn't add up.
I would assume island residents carefully consider these things before they purchase land, and become accustomed to working around such things.
In all my years on this forum, I don't ever recall RG or RG or IG complaining about docking...and they seem to get around quite a bit.
The tax thing??? No, not really...unless it is for ALL MEREDITH residents...as I am quite sure the taxes are higher for a water front "main land" resident. If the docks are labeled...Meredith Residents Only...I'm with you.
As for groceries, and everyday things...I would think island residents plan ahead very very carefully...and thoroughly.
Got an emergency, or a young child that needs something quickly...please take my spot.
Waiting in line to grab an ice cream/cold beer/lunch/breakfast??? Please wait your turn.
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Old 09-07-2011, 09:22 AM   #9
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I don't live in Meredith but live on an Island.

I can see the concept of reserving a small number for the tax payers with stickers. I would think they should keep the number low (based on usage results) so that they don't end up with the condition we experience with the many wasted/open handicap spots in Wolfeboro during a busy weekend.

While doing research for this post, I found an interesting stat on Bizer's page showing that the shoreline of the islands on Winni comprise 36% of the total shore. 100.5 miles for the Islands.

I spent quite a bit of time trying to find a list of the islands in Meredith to gauge the number of potential users. I was unsuccessful. But now RG has a new project for next week.
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Old 09-07-2011, 09:49 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Rattlesnake Guy View Post
I don't live in Meredith but live on an Island.

I can see the concept of reserving a small number for the tax payers with stickers. I would think they should keep the number low (based on usage results) so that they don't end up with the condition we experience with the many wasted/open handicap spots in Wolfeboro during a busy weekend.

While doing research for this post, I found an interesting stat on Bizer's page showing that the shoreline of the islands on Winni comprise 36% of the total shore. 100.5 miles for the Islands.

I spent quite a bit of time trying to find a list of the islands in Meredith to gauge the number of potential users. I was unsuccessful. But now RG has a new project for next week.
Bear, Pine, Dolly, Penny, Six Mile, Three Mile, Five Mile, Two Mile Pine, Welcome, Pine, The Beavers, Hen, Oak, Pitchwood Hawkes Nest, Stonedam and part of Black Cat. More than 200 but less than 500properties I would think. Three Mile has boats to transport people and requires only shortime parking. Stonedam has one house as do some others.

To SA: Would be fine with me if Only Sheps and Cattle were considered. That removes the commercial objection. I find most of the businesses in Meredith Proper tourist traps and without boat parking to far to travel to by boat
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Old 09-07-2011, 10:06 AM   #11
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One misconception people have is that islanders get the same town services as mainland residents. This is clearly not true.

Islanders get little police protection or response from the town police. If you call 911 it is the Marine Patrol that answers your call not the town police. New Hampshire has a law that says when on an island the Marine Patrol have the same powers as local police.

As a practical matter island residents are precluded from using the local schools which are a large part of our taxes. Even if a resident decided to winter over on an island there are several weeks of the year that the ice is either forming or breaking up and children would not be able to attend school. I don't know of any islander that has ever sent a child to local schools since the Bear Island School closed.
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:51 PM   #12
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Default Parking is an issue but not for boats

We use the public lot at Brown's and I can't remember when we had a problem parking the boat. The police have been very good about occasional longer term parking when we needed to be away longer than three hours. We don't use the Cattle Landing due to previous vandalism but I've noticed on my way by that it can get pretty busy due to limited space.

I don't think I should have reserved parking at the Meredith docks. The businesses in town depend on that parking. I've had to turn away on several occasions due to no spaces available but I don't think I should receive special treatment. Every time we go over to the Lyons Den for dinner I worry about parking and sometimes we have to wait for a spot. It really ticks me off to see the island resident docks open with the 3 hour dock jammed. That could happen in Meredith.

Now, car parking is another thing. That's always an issue at the Brown's lot. We don't move the car on weekends because we can't count on a spot in the lower lot when we return and arriving is always a concern. And, I know there are people from Mark and Mink who use the Meredith lots because its closer than Glendale.

Seems the real issue is car parking, not boat parking.
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Old 09-08-2011, 08:21 AM   #13
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Default ... new money from the lake!

It's about time that Meredith started to go for the gold and start making those docks and boat ramps make some new money for the town.

How's about installing parking meters all along the docks for boat parking, and a money deposit box at all the boat ramps including the 48" opening in the fence at the Cattle Landing dock area, and everybody would have to pay, everybody; residents, non-residents, aliens from outer space, and even kayakers, and snowmobiles too!

Picture this; the Meredith Police could stake out the boats from 100 yards away with binoculars and swoop in on any boat dock or boat ramp scoflaws!

"Hey there Mr Boater......You have the right to remain silent! Anything that you say can and will be held against you! You have the right to hire an attorney! ...."


Geographically speaking, the Meredith town dock area on Rt 3 across from the Mills Falls Hotel is a long, long way, by water from any one of the Meredith islands in Lake Winnipesaukee....a long way....and the town docks see a lot of use by many different people; trailer-boaters, main-lander motor-boaters, islanders, car-top kayakers, pedestrians, people who stop to eat an ice cream cone and enjoy the terrific view along the 500-yard long waterfront walkway...all different demographic groups.

You know that the islanders already have free-to-their-use use of the Cattle Landing town dock & parking lot, Lovejoy Sands town dock and parking lot, Shep Browns dock lease, and Y-Landing Marine dock lease....so it just seems highly unlikely and indeed unreasonable for the Town of Meredith to seriously consider making space at the town docks on Route 3 exclusive use for islanders!

If anything, what the town docks boat launch ramp needs is a permanent, 365day/year $5 money deposit box; you wanna go-a-launcha-yo-boat.......you-putta Abraham Lincoln througha the steel slot!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

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Old 09-09-2011, 10:23 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
One misconception people have is that islanders get the same town services as mainland residents. This is clearly not true.
Meredith has six outdoor tennis courts, available to use from mid-April to aprox December 10. The courts get closed when they get covered by snow, and the town has been leaving the nets up until snowfall makes tennis a no-go.

There is almost always an empty tennis court or two-three-four-five-six empty tennis courts available to use. Just take a right off Route 3, down the dirt road, just after the Family Dollar, and keep going about a quarter mile till you see the tennis courts.

They were constructed in 2005, with green rubberized asphalt and top quality construction, and two courts have big bright, tower lights overhead, for playing in the dark, like at night.

As an islander property owner, it is accurate to think you helped to pay for the tennis courts, so you might as well go use them. And yes, there's one court with a good solid backboard for practice use.

Question: is there anyone interested in clearing the snow off one Meredith tennis court with a sno-thrower with padded feet, so as not to scratch the court surface, and playing tennis in Jan-Feb-March when it's a sunny day with temps in the 20's? Outdoor winter tennis is very doable on a good weather, winter day, and much less expensive to do than skiing or sno-mobiling! Tennis is a cheapie sport that gives you lots of exercise, and starting up a winter tennis league is a possibility!

Ditto this for islanders and the Meredith Library; which has eight computer terminals, plus very comfy seating and WiFi, all hooked up to the internet, plus the very comfortably furnished library building that is 100% totally air conditioned, too. It definitely seems like internet users have dramatically increased the number of library users, big-time, in Meredith and in Laconia. Could be that some of the Meredith internet library visiters are also Meredith islanders who go there for the 'puter terminals, air conditioning and real indoor plumbing!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 09-10-2011 at 08:09 AM.
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Old 09-09-2011, 12:53 PM   #15
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The struggle of access for Islanders is something that has become more prominent in recent years. While I don't have a problem with docking for Island residents at any town dock, I believe there needs to be some consideration to the major use of the port. On the weekend it is simply not practical to think of any portion of the Meredith town docks be used for Island residents only... During the week on the other hand I have no problem with this.... Nothing ticks me off more then seeing the Island slips in Wolfeboro empty on a busy weekend.
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Old 09-09-2011, 02:14 PM   #16
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Islander access and the unequal playing field is a major issue for islanders. I gripe about it often, along with my $9500 tax bill.

We are Gilford residents and although we are much closer to Cattle and Shep's (and have a Meredith phone exchange) we use Glendale for all access. We occasionally have people meet us at Cattle Landing but it is usually contractors mid week and very infrequent. We only use Sheps when we need to do business there.

I think island resident docking at the Meredith town docks is pointless. There is no parking or facilities there for islanders. It is for store runs and dining out only...
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Old 09-09-2011, 08:02 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post

I think island resident docking at the Meredith town docks is pointless. There is no parking or facilities there for islanders. It is for store runs and dining out only...
That is exactly what the islanders want to use the dock spaces for. We don't have the option of simply jumping in the car to run to the store or to grab dinner. I am just not sure if tax paying islanders have any more right to a shorter wait than taxpaying mainlanders or customers from another town.
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Old 09-11-2011, 07:11 PM   #18
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It would seem this pole will not tell much as many responders did not indicate if they were Meredith residents or not. If I put the difference between votes for or against in out of town then more than 100% of the number indicating they lived in Meredith are for designated parking. At this point it seems that most in town residents are for it while out of towners are not. While the actural numbers at this point are meaningless at this point that was the result expected.
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Old 09-11-2011, 09:19 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
One misconception people have is that islanders get the same town services as mainland residents. This is clearly not true.

Islanders get little police protection or response from the town police. If you call 911 it is the Marine Patrol that answers your call not the town police. New Hampshire has a law that says when on an island the Marine Patrol have the same powers as local police.

As a practical matter island residents are precluded from using the local schools which are a large part of our taxes. Even if a resident decided to winter over on an island there are several weeks of the year that the ice is either forming or breaking up and children would not be able to attend school. I don't know of any islander that has ever sent a child to local schools since the Bear Island School closed.
I agree with your arguement about what islanders get for their taxes, but the same can be said about non residents
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Old 09-11-2011, 09:26 PM   #20
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How bout somebody in the meetig point out the obvious. The shoreline protection laws are so ridiculous in that the obvious answers is put more docks in. If they are giving the stimulus money out which is ridiculous to begin with, why not put it to good use. There is no reason why more docks could not be put in, not saying they should go to residents. Same can be said about going to dinner to islanders form one of the other towns. They would not be able to use those docks either if they were not a resident. I think when you purchase a island property, just like if I choose to take my boat to wolfboro from laconia, you take into consideration access.
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Old 09-11-2011, 10:53 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Rattlesnake Guy View Post
That is exactly what the islanders want to use the dock spaces for. We don't have the option of simply jumping in the car to run to the store or to grab dinner. I am just not sure if tax paying islanders have any more right to a shorter wait than taxpaying mainlanders or customers from another town.
I'm pretty sure you know the answer!
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Old 09-12-2011, 06:56 AM   #22
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Wolfeboro has multiple special spots for island residents. There are spots in Front Bay, Back Bay and Mast Landing. I'm not sure of Town Docks but back Bay and the only access to Lake Wentworth, Mast Landing, are constantly and habitually abused by boaters and parkers who leave their vessels and vehicles at these valuable spaces with complete disregard for time limits, and the folks they inconvenience, while using these spots as their own personal docks and shoreside parking lots. You can see the same boats and cars parked in the same spots for weeks and months at a time.
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Old 09-13-2011, 04:13 AM   #23
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Default Exclusive Meredith Island Property Owner Boat Parking

Originally Posted by bilproject View Post
Currently the Town of Meredith Selectman have a proposal to designate part of all town docking facilities as "Island Residents Only Boat Parking". This is what most towns do for their Island land owners, Gilford, Moultonboro, and Wolfboro all have designated docking so Island residents who do not have slips can get parking to go to shopping etc. If you are a Meredith Island land owner do you agree or disagree with this proposal? (I can PM you a copy of the proposal if you would like to see what exactly is proposed).

I like the sound of this proposal. Please send me a copy.
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Old 09-13-2011, 06:11 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by MDoug View Post
I like the sound of this proposal. Please send me a copy.
I would gladly send you a copy but you have PM turned off so I need an e-mail address.
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Old 09-17-2011, 05:05 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by bilproject View Post
I would gladly send you a copy but you have PM turned off so I need an e-mail address.

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Old 09-17-2011, 05:07 AM   #26
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Old 09-28-2011, 07:28 AM   #27
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I do think Meredith should leave one section of one side of a dock for islanders that would solve it, room for 4+ boats. Maybe a time limit but forget that idea- who is going to monitor the dock for island residents? Police or the Marine patrol or the town? Again its more$$ when most towns are hurting fiscally speaking.

On the flip side from Mon to early Friday most of the town docks in Meredith are empty. Weekends are not all that bad unless its the antique boat show 1x a year or the 4th of July.
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Old 09-28-2011, 04:32 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by laketrout View Post
I do think Meredith should leave one section of one side of a dock for islanders that would solve it, room for 4+ boats. Maybe a time limit but forget that idea- who is going to monitor the dock for island residents? Police or the Marine patrol or the town? Again its more$$ when most towns are hurting fiscally speaking.

On the flip side from Mon to early Friday most of the town docks in Meredith are empty. Weekends are not all that bad unless its the antique boat show 1x a year or the 4th of July.
The Meredith Police already monitor the docks at Shep's and Cattle Landing. The police arrive, write down bow numbers, then come back later to write tickets.

I assume they do the same downtown.
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Old 09-28-2011, 04:43 PM   #29
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Default No parking equals no money for Islanders

Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Meredith has six outdoor tennis courts, available to use from mid-April to aprox December 10. The courts get closed when they get covered by snow, and the town has been leaving the nets up until snowfall makes tennis a no-go.

There is almost always an empty tennis court or two-three-four-five-six empty tennis courts available to use. Just take a right off Route 3, down the dirt road, just after the Family Dollar, and keep going about a quarter mile till you see the tennis courts.

They were constructed in 2005, with green rubberized asphalt and top quality construction, and two courts have big bright, tower lights overhead, for playing in the dark, like at night.

As an islander property owner, it is accurate to think you helped to pay for the tennis courts, so you might as well go use them. And yes, there's one court with a good solid backboard for practice use.

Question: is there anyone interested in clearing the snow off one Meredith tennis court with a sno-thrower with padded feet, so as not to scratch the court surface, and playing tennis in Jan-Feb-March when it's a sunny day with temps in the 20's? Outdoor winter tennis is very doable on a good weather, winter day, and much less expensive to do than skiing or sno-mobiling! Tennis is a cheapie sport that gives you lots of exercise, and starting up a winter tennis league is a possibility!

Ditto this for islanders and the Meredith Library; which has eight computer terminals, plus very comfy seating and WiFi, all hooked up to the internet, plus the very comfortably furnished library building that is 100% totally air conditioned, too. It definitely seems like internet users have dramatically increased the number of library users, big-time, in Meredith and in Laconia. Could be that some of the Meredith internet library visiters are also Meredith islanders who go there for the 'puter terminals, air conditioning and real indoor plumbing!
All true Les but without parking (see cattle and sheps are used by a large number of gilford residents on Mark and Mink) I can't go use these amenities I pay for!!! Plus I have to be back in 3 hours or I get a ticket!! Can't even go play around of golf and pump some greenbacks into the local economy.
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Old 09-28-2011, 06:29 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
The Meredith Police already monitor the docks at Shep's and Cattle Landing. The police arrive, write down bow numbers, then come back later to write tickets.

I assume they do the same downtown.
Why do they leave and come back later to issue tickets? Why can't they issue tickets when they first observe the violation?
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Old 09-29-2011, 07:19 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Pineedles View Post
Why do they leave and come back later to issue tickets? Why can't they issue tickets when they first observe the violation?
they leave and come back to make sure they are violating the time constraints.
dont worry be happy

Last edited by fpartri497; 09-29-2011 at 08:09 AM.
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Old 09-29-2011, 12:25 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
The Meredith Police already monitor the docks at Shep's and Cattle Landing. The police arrive, write down bow numbers, then come back later to write tickets.

I assume they do the same downtown.

I have left my boat in the Meredith town docks for hours on end with no ticket or warning over the years. I have only seen the Marine Patrol. I did not know there was a time limit that is enforced. The Police have a "FINE" line to walk; give out to many tickets at the town docks and it will alienate people and turn them away from Meredith by boat. The economy stinks and looks like it will stink for awhile.
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:47 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by AC2717 View Post
How bout somebody in the meetig point out the obvious. The shoreline protection laws are so ridiculous in that the obvious answers is put more docks in. If they are giving the stimulus money out which is ridiculous to begin with, why not put it to good use. There is no reason why more docks could not be put in, not saying they should go to residents. Same can be said about going to dinner to islanders form one of the other towns. They would not be able to use those docks either if they were not a resident. I think when you purchase a island property, just like if I choose to take my boat to wolfboro from laconia, you take into consideration access.
Completely agree. The Lake isn't making any more shoreline, either land-based or island-based. Granted there are day-users. Hope this doesn't become an "us vs. them" thing. I have no clue about dock or marina design. That being said, I have to admit to my bias that, since I was a kid, I've always loved the action, watching the boats, even just being around them when they're empty or snow-covered. Out west, Marinas are a huge attraction; Santa Barbara, Newport, San Diego. Also don't really like the idea of all the boats having to idle around waiting for a dock. About the only place you can clearly pick up the oil-slick smell is around the docks. More space, less idling.

If there are folks, and I'm sure there are, that have the exact opposite bias, see docks as ugly and more as damaging, that is as valid as my bias. I'd like to hear their opinion, wonder if they've ever had to go through the process of considering adding, wondering how they've felt about areas where they have increased dock space.
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Old 11-28-2011, 06:47 PM   #34
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Arrow You bought it this way

Originally Posted by bilproject View Post
All true Les but without parking (see cattle and sheps are used by a large number of gilford residents on Mark and Mink) I can't go use these amenities I pay for!!! Plus I have to be back in 3 hours or I get a ticket!! Can't even go play around of golf and pump some greenbacks into the local economy.
I'm a non-resident by choice.

If you bought an island property you should have known about the docking and parking situation. I understand the desire to change it to favor the island owner. I get it. But YOU BOUGHT IT THIS WAY. You should have known what you were getting into.

Many islanders in other towns have arrangements for private docking and car parking even if they have some town provided reserved dock spaces. Their choice. Live with your choice.
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Old 11-29-2011, 06:47 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Hammond View Post
I'm a non-resident by choice.

If you bought an island property you should have known about the docking and parking situation. I understand the desire to change it to favor the island owner. I get it. But YOU BOUGHT IT THIS WAY. You should have known what you were getting into.

Many islanders in other towns have arrangements for private docking and car parking even if they have some town provided reserved dock spaces. Their choice. Live with your choice.
I have two neighbors whose families bought their property on Bear Island in 1896. They most certainly did not "buy it this way". I have been on Bear for 27 years and I am one of the new guys. When I arrived boat and car parking pressures were much different than they are now.

Anyway things change over time. Over the years there are more boats, more homes, more cars, and more regulations. 3 Hour parking limits, overnight docking restrictions and overcrowded public docks are relatively new phenomenon.
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Old 11-30-2011, 08:16 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Hammond View Post
I'm a non-resident by choice.

If you bought an island property you should have known about the docking and parking situation. I understand the desire to change it to favor the island owner. I get it. But YOU BOUGHT IT THIS WAY. You should have known what you were getting into.

Many islanders in other towns have arrangements for private docking and car parking even if they have some town provided reserved dock spaces. Their choice. Live with your choice.
Hammond you just show how little you know. Many towns on the lake have such arrangments for island taxpayers. You don't think that Bear Island Taxpayers deserve one side of a dock when they pay $850,000 in taxes to the town, school, cty and state? Pick any 170 properties on 1 acre each 1 mile from the lake in Meredith and those taxes paid are 75% less. When I am taxed for being on the lake at a differed and higher rate I don't buy the argument that all town residents should be treated equally when it comes to town docks. If thats the case then charge the guy who owns 1 acre and a 1500 sq ft house a mile from the lake the same tax as me. Docking in Meredith for Island residents is also complicated by Gilford residents of Mark and Mink using the docks. This issue is particularly bad at Cattle Landing where the town is spending $130,000 for a new dock. This dock is never used by day boaters or out of towners.There are no businesses within miles of this dock and no public launch. Ask Mink Islander where he parks and docks to go to his house on Mink Island IN GILFORD?
Island residents only use the town docks and parking. No school kids no services. I for one thought the council blew a chance to give something back to Island taxpayers at no cost to the town. Instead we just got the shaft as always and oh by the way i just got my tax bill with a 10% increase. That and we are treated as second class people. Yes I made a choice to buy on an island but if the elected officials in town are not going to represent non resident land owners than drop the taxation! We can buy a hell of a lot of parking and docks with $850,000/year.
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Old 12-01-2011, 08:34 AM   #37
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If you can afford $850,000 a year in taxes, I don't believe that gives you any more right than one who pays $25,000 a year.

Power to the rich!
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Old 12-01-2011, 09:46 AM   #38
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I doubt he was saying he pays $850,000 a year for taxes.That would be quite the property,with a value of at least 30 million.
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Old 12-01-2011, 01:36 PM   #39
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That's what I thought too. But there are some very expensive properties on the lake.
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Old 12-01-2011, 03:39 PM   #40
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Default Slow Your Reading So You Get It Right

Originally Posted by RailroadJoe View Post
If you can afford $850,000 a year in taxes, I don't believe that gives you any more right than one who pays $25,000 a year.

Power to the rich!
Collectively Bear Island Property Assessment x Meredith tax rate = $850,000 for all properties on Bear Island. Does not include, the Beaver Islands, Pine Island, 6 Mile or the part of Black Cat that is in Meredith. My taxes are just $5,000 of the total. Island people are not the rich that's why we are out there. Don't start throwing around that class envy BS I worked hard for everything I have. If you don't make enough in New Hampshire MOVE you have choice. Just as someone wrote earlier in the thread that I had a choice not to buy a property where you are taxed higher than the rest in town and get no services for it. Oh yes I remember the line on the closing statement where it said: "Taxes, just send money we will give you nothing in return".
This was originally started not to achieve a right over someone else but to get a small amount of consideration to the fact that so many non Meredith residents use the Docks at the north end of town. The town residents who depend on these docks are shut out many times from using something they PAY FOR.
The pole was flawed from the start, but one telling thing is that only one Meredith resident was against the proposal. The rest were from out of town.
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Old 12-04-2011, 04:11 PM   #41
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Chicken or Egg?

Do the towns spend taxpayer dollars on town docks for:

A) The town residents who own a boat on this lake.

B) All users of the lake.

C) To encourage people to come spend money at the town businesses who pay taxes and hire taxpayers.

I have always thought the financial motivation was C.
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Hey Other RG. I like your New Avatar...and welcome back from your travels.... NB
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Old 12-05-2011, 12:03 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Rattlesnake Guy View Post
Chicken or Egg?

Do the towns spend taxpayer dollars on town docks for:

A) The town residents who own a boat on this lake.

B) All users of the lake.

C) To encourage people to come spend money at the town businesses who pay taxes and hire taxpayers.

I have always thought the financial motivation was C.
I can't see how the public dock at Cattle Landing brings in one dime to Meredith Businesses.

I think you can look at the public docks the same way as you look at public roads. Meredith Neck Road provides access to homes on Meredith Neck. The dock at Cattle Landing provides access to to the lake and the islands. It's all about access.

If the town can use tax money to construct, pave, maintain and plow roads that provide access to private homes then the town should also provide docks for islanders.
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Old 12-05-2011, 07:13 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by bilproject View Post
Collectively Island people are not the rich that's why we are out there. Don't start throwing around that class envy BS I worked hard for everything I have. If you don't make enough in New Hampshire MOVE you have choice.
You have a choice as well-SELL.

I believe that most people on this forum work hard for everything they have.

Originally Posted by bilproject View Post
Collectively The pole was flawed from the start, but one telling thing is that only one Meredith resident was against the proposal. The rest were from out of town.
You created the flawed poll!
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Old 12-05-2011, 03:01 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
You have a choice as well-SELL.

I believe that most people on this forum work hard for everything they have.

You created the flawed poll!
Sorry benny I did not take into account the people taking the poll could not or would not read it first and answer yes or no resident or not. The forum poll program is not detailed enough to allow you to only allow your vote to be counted if you answer both questions.
Sorry not selling 1 year I will be a resident of Bear Island and NH. Then I plan on running for office.
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Old 12-05-2011, 03:05 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
I can't see how the public dock at Cattle Landing brings in one dime to Meredith Businesses.

I think you can look at the public docks the same way as you look at public roads. Meredith Neck Road provides access to homes on Meredith Neck. The dock at Cattle Landing provides access to to the lake and the islands. It's all about access.

If the town can use tax money to construct, pave, maintain and plow roads that provide access to private homes then the town should also provide docks for islanders.
Great anology Bear Islander. I'm sure we'll see a response that says Island residents use those roads too. Amazing thing is we paid a higher price to use them.
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