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Old 07-05-2012, 08:11 PM   #1
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Default Alton Bay Fireworks-Good and Bad

My Family and I went down to the bay to watch the fireworks Tuesday night. We had a great time walking around the bay getting kettlecorn, fried dough etc.
When the time got closer we headed back to our slip to watch the display on my boat. The fireworks were great , I'd even say better than last year. When they were done we started to wrap everything up and cover up the boat. Thats when things went bad. The group of boats in the next slip over decided to have their own show. They started shooting fireworks right off the dock, next to all the boats. The embers and debris started falling down on us and my boat interior. I couldn't believe the carelessness around 6-7 fuel filled vessels as well as the surrounding property. Any boat owner knows the importance of keeping ignition sources to a minimum . Fireworks can be unstable and at any time one of those could have gone astray.
As we finished putting the mooring covers on more embers and debris fell on my covers. Did they even think about the possibility of burning holes in peoples canvas.
When we started to leave they shot off more and thats when I finally yelled something down to them. I don't even know if they heard what I said but I did hear some type of response.
The next morning I went back and found a bunch of embers all over my canvas that when you wiped it off it would crumble to dust ,staining the cover. I'm sure the rain we got probably washed it off and they'll be fine but thats not the point. With as much as people have invested in their boats I would have thought they would have more respect. I really don't care what they do with their boats but mine is one of my biggest hobbies and I like to keep it clean and neat. ( And I definitely don't want it to catch fire and explode from some stray rocket)
I'm no angel and I love fireworks like anyone else but I definitely wouldn't have chose that place and time to do them.
Thats the end of my rant.....what do ya think ,am I wrong
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Old 07-05-2012, 11:00 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Jidge View Post
My Family and I went down to the bay to watch the fireworks Tuesday night. We had a great time walking around the bay getting kettlecorn, fried dough etc.
When the time got closer we headed back to our slip to watch the display on my boat. The fireworks were great , I'd even say better than last year. When they were done we started to wrap everything up and cover up the boat. Thats when things went bad. The group of boats in the next slip over decided to have their own show. They started shooting fireworks right off the dock, next to all the boats. The embers and debris started falling down on us and my boat interior. I couldn't believe the carelessness around 6-7 fuel filled vessels as well as the surrounding property. Any boat owner knows the importance of keeping ignition sources to a minimum . Fireworks can be unstable and at any time one of those could have gone astray.
As we finished putting the mooring covers on more embers and debris fell on my covers. Did they even think about the possibility of burning holes in peoples canvas.
When we started to leave they shot off more and thats when I finally yelled something down to them. I don't even know if they heard what I said but I did hear some type of response.
The next morning I went back and found a bunch of embers all over my canvas that when you wiped it off it would crumble to dust ,staining the cover. I'm sure the rain we got probably washed it off and they'll be fine but thats not the point. With as much as people have invested in their boats I would have thought they would have more respect. I really don't care what they do with their boats but mine is one of my biggest hobbies and I like to keep it clean and neat. ( And I definitely don't want it to catch fire and explode from some stray rocket)
I'm no angel and I love fireworks like anyone else but I definitely wouldn't have chose that place and time to do them.
Thats the end of my rant.....what do ya think ,am I wrong
Definately not wrong Jidge, these people should've been more respectful without a doubt. I also saw kids on the stern of boats waving sparklers around handed to them by their parents, sparks falling all about the fuel tank area. Very scary. I am glad your boat did not suffer any permanent damage.
Waking up in the morning is the greatest, everything after that is a bonus
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Old 07-08-2012, 12:18 PM   #3
Alton Bay Bob
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In all my years of boating and enjoying fireworks in NH, Mass, and NY, I have never heard people firing off fireworks on or near the dock. We have all witnessed "bonehead" moves on the lake.... but that was terribly dangerous. Thankfully no one was injured and no damage occurred. If ever a next time occurred even I would report that behavior!
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Old 07-08-2012, 06:27 PM   #4
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Definitly not to bright on their behalf... One stray spark in the wrong place on a boat and it's game over! I've seen first hand the results and the boat burned to the water line.. Not good. I would have called the police if I were you. Just my 2 cents...
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