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Old 03-16-2008, 02:52 PM   #1
Michael Venoit
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Default How Loud? DB level Law

Im looking to find out how many DB my boat has to be to be safe on NH Lakes. I am looking at getting Mufflers for it, however I need to get the ones that will tone it down enough. At present it has a switch to go from close to open and I found out that does not comply with the NH law.
Thanks for your time.
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Old 03-16-2008, 03:10 PM   #2
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Post Noise levels for boats.....

Here's the law:

Motorboat Noise Levels
Section 270:37
270:37 Decibel Limits on Noise. –
I. No person may operate, sell, or offer for sale any marine engine which is capable of being operated in a manner which exceeds the following noise levels measured under any testing procedure established pursuant to rules adopted under RSA 270:39:
(a) For a marine engine manufactured in or before 1990, a noise level of 90 decibels when subjected to stationary testing.
(b) For a marine engine manufactured after December 31, 1990, a noise level of 88 decibels when subjected to stationary testing.
(c) For a marine engine manufactured in or before 1990, a noise level of 84 decibels on the ""A'' scale, measured at 50 feet.
(d) For a marine engine manufactured after December 31, 1990, a noise level of 82 decibels on the ""A'' scale, measured at 50 feet.

II. The director or the director's agent may order the operator or owner of any boat which he or she has articulable suspicion to believe is capable of being operated in a manner which exceeds the decibel limits contained in this section to subject the boat to one or more noise level testing procedures as provided in this subdivision or to inspection of the engine and mechanical systems for violations of this section or RSA 270:25.
III. A boat owner or operator shall submit a boat which is the subject of an order by the director or the director's agent pursuant to RSA 270:37, II to noise level testing by the director or the director's agent immediately or at the time and location designated by the director or the director's agent. No person shall operate the boat after the time designated until it is subjected to such noise level testing or engine and mechanical system inspection.
IV. The director or the director's agent may prohibit the operator or owner of any boat which fails a noise level testing procedure from operating the boat until the boat successfully passes the procedure. No person shall operate a boat contrary to such an order of the director.
V. Pursuant to the penalties imposed under RSA 270: 41-a, any person convicted of violating this section shall be fined not less than $250. No portion of any fine imposed under this section shall be suspended or reduced by the court.
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Old 03-16-2008, 04:17 PM   #3
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Makes me wonder.........a person with a $200K Fountain has got to run 88db but anyone with $3K can run around on and old Harley with staight pipes at 110 db.......or more.Go figure.
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Old 03-16-2008, 04:24 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by SAMIAM View Post
Makes me wonder.........a person with a $200K Fountain has got to run 88db but anyone with $3K can run around on and old Harley with staight pipes at 110 db.......or more.Go figure.
I'd prefer it if both were quiet. Loud bikes are worse though.
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Old 03-16-2008, 07:11 PM   #5
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Thanks for the info on the law as I was looking for it today as I want to be able to comply with the law in NH how ever silly it maybe. As Samiam posted a harley can run a pipe out the side with no one on them as the masses will fight to keep that off the list of things to comply. I boat in 3 states most summers and NH is the primay so I want to make sure im left alone with my family on this boat. I also have a Ski boat that im told is not a problem as to being to loud as that runs the Motor pipes onder the water.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse! Funny you have this as part of your post so I would say your a cop or a Lawyer? I also have the chance to hear about the Ignorance.
Thanks for the Reply and SAFE Boating to ALL
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Old 03-17-2008, 04:41 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by SAMIAM View Post
Makes me wonder.........a person with a $200K Fountain has got to run 88db but anyone with $3K can run around on and old Harley with staight pipes at 110 db.......or more.Go figure.
The straight piped bikes are illegal too. The rules do get enforced but not as frequently as they should. I was talking to a guy 2 years ago at bike week who received a ticket- $42
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Old 03-17-2008, 06:26 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Michael Venoit View Post
Im looking to find out how many DB my boat has to be to be safe on NH Lakes...At present it has a switch to go from close to open and I found out that does not comply with the NH law.
A few boats have been "optioned-up" by dealers, including the switchable exhaust option. (Even NH dealers do this).

Crownlines were especially well-known for switchables, and a few Crownlines were operating last season on Lake Winnipesaukee with the switchable exhaust in place. If you're wary and operating in the quiet mode, you'll not likely get stopped. Even if stopped, you may just get a warning. (Hold on to that warning notice).

Originally Posted by Dave R View Post
I'd prefer it if both were quiet. Loud bikes are worse though.
I find that poorly-loaded boats (or poorly-trimmed boats) with a "legal" outdrive can be even noisier than a "legal" thru-hull at similar speeds.

When you're sailing The Broads, you can hear the motorcycles from six miles away—even further when they're in the hills above Gilford.

The so-called "legal" thru-hull exhausts can be heard at the same distance—and even when they pass behind Rattlesnake Island! It's just the way noise is on lakes surrounded by mountains.

'No hills at my wintertime Florida lake, and noise is no problemo.
Is it
"Common Sense" isn't.
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Old 03-19-2008, 09:00 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
A few boats have been "optioned-up" by dealers, including the switchable exhaust option. (Even NH dealers do this).

Crownlines were especially well-known for switchables, and a few Crownlines were operating last season on Lake Winnipesaukee with the switchable exhaust in place. If you're wary and operating in the quiet mode, you'll not likely get stopped. Even if stopped, you may just get a warning. (Hold on to that warning notice).
I don't know where you get your information, but when I bought my first boat 10 yrs ago, it had through-prop exhaust. Five years later, I inquired about getting a thru-hull exhaust installed and when I inquired about a "switchable" exhaust, I was promptly told, politely by the dealer, that those were illegal in NH and could not be installed. Who was the dealer?? Channel Marine, the same dealer that sells Crownline!! Perhaps the Crownlines you saw/heard had been modified by a knowledgeable owner??

Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
The so-called "legal" thru-hull exhausts can be heard at the same distance—and even when they pass behind Rattlesnake Island! It's just the way noise is on lakes surrounded by mountains.
My current boat, a Baja, has the factory-installed thru-hull exhaust and has never been modified by me or anyone else; I know because I bought this boat new. It's legal! If it's loud, perhaps the state should consider allowing a switchable exhaust, keeping the current decibel limits in place so no one gets too loud.
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Old 03-20-2008, 06:28 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Wolfeboro_Baja View Post
I don't know where you get your information, but when I bought my first boat 10 yrs ago, it had through-prop exhaust. Five years later, I inquired about getting a thru-hull exhaust installed and when I inquired about a "switchable" exhaust, I was promptly told, politely by the dealer, that those were illegal in NH and could not be installed. Who was the dealer?? Channel Marine, the same dealer that sells Crownline!! Perhaps the Crownlines you saw/heard had been modified by a knowledgeable owner??

My current boat, a Baja, has the factory-installed thru-hull exhaust and has never been modified by me or anyone else; I know because I bought this boat new. It's legal! If it's loud, perhaps the state should consider allowing a switchable exhaust, keeping the current decibel limits in place so no one gets too loud.
FWIW, my 2000 Four Winns 230H has the "Captain's Call" Exhaust feature. I bought (ordered) the boat new at Melvin Village Marina. At the time, they told me that the switchable exhaust was illegal in NH. Since I use the boat only in Maine, they ordered it for me.

Hey Skip, I swear I've read something about the switchable exhaust in an RSA that you may have posted years ago (??) Anyway, mine is VERY loud in the open position since the pipes are on the sides of the boat instead of the transom. The older I get the less I use it.


Nevermind I found it:

270:25 Muffling Devices. –
I. No person shall own or operate or sell or offer for sale, within the jurisdiction of this state, a boat propelled in whole or in part by gas, gasoline, diesel, or naphtha unless the boat is provided with an underwater exhaust or other muffling device constructed and used so as to muffle the noise of the explosion. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require an underwater exhaust or other muffling device on a boat that is being sold for salvage purposes.
II. No person shall own or operate, within the jurisdiction of this state, a boat equipped with a lever, cable, or other device that may be used to adjust the muffling device.
III. The provisions of this section shall not apply to antique boats or classic boats which have met the decibel levels established in RSA 270:37 and have been issued a permit exempting them from this section. For the purposes of this section ""antique boat'' means a boat built prior to 1943 and ""classic boat'' means a boat built between 1943 and 1968 inclusive.
IV. No person shall own, operate, sell, or offer for sale any boat which is capable of discharging exhaust above the water unless the boat is equipped with muffling devices.
Source. 1941, 160:1. RL 181:23. RSA 270:25. 1971, 239:1. 1981, 353:11. 1987, 370:3. 1991, 369:1. 1992, 132:4, eff. July 3, 1992. 2006, 234:1, eff. June 1, 2006.
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Last edited by Blue Thunder; 03-20-2008 at 06:37 AM. Reason: Found RSA
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Old 03-20-2008, 08:37 AM   #10
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Question Real question....

Why would someone want a loud boat?
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Old 03-20-2008, 08:45 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Orion View Post
Why would someone want a loud boat?
Sort of like asking why certain people at work go around beating on their chests....
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Old 03-20-2008, 09:14 AM   #12
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Default Answer!

Originally Posted by Orion View Post
Why would someone want a loud boat?
The same reason they want Big Guns, Fast Cars....it makes up for a deficency.
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Old 03-20-2008, 09:55 AM   #13
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Loud boats, car and especially motorcyles are my pet peeve. I'm sure there are lots of people who modify thier exhausts to gain performance but most just do it because it sounds nice and it attracts attention. That's why I put sidepipes on my Firebird in high school.

What I didn't realize or at least didn't care about, was that although it sounded nice to me, it was really annoying to most other people. Eventually the police department convinced me, that being loud and annoying was expensive and unwise.

For the life of me I can't understand why today's police put up with almost complete disregard for the law by some motorcycle riders. During bike week, I bet 1/3 of the Harleys on the road are in violation. Sure they give out a few tickets but that's not enough. When I got defective equipment tickets in the old days, I could not drive the vehicle until it was fixed. Once they made me tow the car.

The same rule should apply to boats. If your boat fails the sound measurement they should impound it until you fix it. I don't have a point of reference for the current sound law, are compliant boats still too loud or are rules too strict the other way. All I know is that there are a few boats on the lake that are a lot louder than I think they should be. One time in the channel behind one my ears literally hurt.
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Old 03-20-2008, 11:34 AM   #14
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Default Rule of thumb

1 If you can hear them before you see them, then they are too loud.
2 If you can hear them over your own engine at Cruising speed they are too loud
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Old 03-20-2008, 12:09 PM   #15
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Anyone remember the old adage "Loud pipes save lives"?
Is it bikeweek yet?

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Old 03-20-2008, 01:35 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Weirs guy View Post
Anyone remember the old adage "Loud pipes save lives"?
I don't believe it. But I don't have facts either way.

If it's true, should we outlaw mufflers on all vehicles to improve safety?

"No officer it's not rusted out it's a safety feature"

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Old 03-20-2008, 02:15 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Orion View Post
Why would someone want a loud boat?
I just like the sound of a high-horsepower engine, as does my wife; we consider it to be music to our ears, doesn't matter if it's in a car, boat or what have you.

I don't expect straight pipes on the street, only on a race track; that's where they belong.
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Old 03-20-2008, 03:49 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Wolfeboro_Baja View Post
I just like the sound of a high-horsepower engine, as does my wife; we consider it to be music to our ears, doesn't matter if it's in a car, boat or what have you.

I don't expect straight pipes on the street, only on a race track; that's where they belong.
A properly muffled boat with through hull can sound very nice. The old wooden cruisers with pipes sound beautiful. However, when you need to halt conversation until a boat passes by due to loudness that is OBNOXIOUS!
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Old 03-21-2008, 08:19 AM   #19
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I know of folks that have a house on the Wolfeboro side of Sewall Point ($$$) who keep their windows and doors closed in the summer because the noise from boats flying out of Wolfeboro into the Broads, especially on weekends, was unbearable.
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Old 03-28-2008, 06:22 PM   #20
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Arrow One possible reason for loud boat

Originally Posted by Orion View Post
Why would someone want a loud boat?
Maybe they want a loud boat as a signal to watch out. Swimmers, rowboats and even kayaks can hear them in time to wave their paddles to be more visible or move out of the way. That could be a reason for a loud boat.
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Old 03-30-2008, 06:37 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Weirs guy View Post
Anyone remember the old adage "Loud pipes save lives"?
Yes, but never understood it.

If true, why not aim the exhaust out front or just lean on the horn?

Anyway, most bikes (and boats) are noisiest while departing.

Originally Posted by Wolfeboro_Baja View Post
"...I don't know where you get your information..."
About Crownlines? Personal local experience, with support from Dave R. Odds are, the original post is from a Crownline owner.

It was at this forum that I learned that out-of-state use had to be promised when a boat equipped with a switchable exhaust was sold by a New Hampshire dealer. (A form had to be signed, but don't recall whether it was the state, dealer, or both who insisted on the form.)

Originally Posted by Wolfeboro_Baja View Post
"...Five years later, I inquired about getting a thru-hull exhaust installed and when I inquired about a "switchable" exhaust, I was promptly told, politely by the dealer, that those were illegal in NH and could not be installed. Who was the dealer?? Channel Marine, the same dealer that sells Crownline!! Perhaps the Crownlines you saw/heard had been modified by a knowledgeable owner...??"
Always a possibility, but how do you suppose an ad like this GFBL comes about?
"FRESH WATER 2004 27' Fountain Fever":

"...Porta Potti (never used), #27 embossed on Engine Hatch, Silent Choice, 92 hrs, Cyclone Graphics, Deck Graphics, Billit Throttles and Shifter. This boat does come with a trailer. The interior and exterior is in excellent condition.

"The boat is located at Silver Sands Marina on Lake Winnipesaukee in Gilford NH. We have been a Fountain Powerboat Dealer for over 15 years and sold this boat new..."
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Old 03-30-2008, 10:01 AM   #22
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Default Loud Pipes

Originally Posted by Weirs guy View Post
Anyone remember the old adage "Loud pipes save lives"?
YES - I believe loud pipes do save lives!

When I'm on the bike, I like knowing that most people will be able to hear us, because there is a good chance they will not see us. Cars are a lot more visable to drivers. That being said, I'm not saying that bikes should have crazy loud straight pipes. I actually really like the sound, but I know that most people do not.
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Old 03-30-2008, 06:58 PM   #23
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I would like to make a clarification as to having my boat be not being so loud and yes having to make sure I don’t Offend anyone. I believe I made a clear question and don’t think that some of your remarks are called for but I’m man enough to let it pass. I simply asked a question of the forum and to make sure I comply with the law. I did buy my boat in Mass as I Live in Ct. and use the boat in most states in New England and other then NH I don’t believe it was too loud (come to find out not to loud in NH either). The boat is muffled as it passes though the side of the boat and only had to remove the Switch. Now this is the Stupid part of the Law; not being able to switch it off, as now it will have to come out the side exhaust all the time! However it’s not my law. Someone complained about things being to loud and now have made it even worse as it will stay on all the time.
For individuals of you who wrote something constructive THANK YOU. For those of you who didn’t have a great DAY!!
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Old 03-31-2008, 02:09 PM   #24
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Yup,love those well thought out laws.More coming.
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Old 04-02-2008, 02:43 PM   #25
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Default Spring is Almost Here

Check Twice,
Block your Ears;
Motorcycles are Everywhere!
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Old 04-02-2008, 03:08 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by asdf View Post
Check Twice,
Block your Ears;
Motorcycles are Everywhere!

Well said.
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Old 11-01-2008, 06:49 PM   #27
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(c) For a marine engine manufactured in or before 1990, a noise level of 84 decibels on the ""A'' scale, measured at 50 feet.

ok an older post but I'm hoping to clairfy something on how loud they can be now mind a few things one the boat is a vintage racer ( 1963 ) with over the transom exhaust...I plan to put mufflers inside the headers and super traps at the end ( if I can keep them there with out breaking a non replaceable header) also the boat won't be used when it rough out,and not on the big lake it will be used mostly for a cruzer and at the shows.......I don't want it to be loud because who needs the headaches but I think it's still going to bark pretty good but thats one of the things that makes it kool and I just want to keep it OLD SCHOOL period correct...I'm sure that there are some people that run old woodies that know what I'm talking about.....
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Old 11-02-2008, 07:40 PM   #28
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Arrow "Old School"

My dad has an old wooden Higgins race boat. The engine exhaust out of both side of the boat. When it backfires, you can see flames shoots out of the exhaust. It is so loud, you have to cover your ears. But he never gets stop. Is it because the boat is too old? I don't know. I do know that if he alter the boat in any way, he will lose points at the boat shows.
Last year at the Wolfeboro classic boat race, the marine patrol was sitting right there as the old boats were starting up and racing. With all the noise you would think they would hand out tickets!
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Old 11-03-2008, 05:52 PM   #29
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Default Stupid law!

Yea Michael you are right.

We here in NH have a tendency to write laws that don't fix the problem. Cases in point...

If they had not written TWO person into the jetski law all of the little boats would, well, be in the same boat. But noooo. They had to muck it up and then blame some Japaneese exec. of trying to get around the law with 3 person craft. Nutz.

In NH the stand on vessel does not maintain course and speed, He maintains course and a speed prident for the conditions (or similar english). Talk about clouding up a situation!

The exhaust valve rule is just stupid. No doubt that it was written to make things quieter on the Lake, but it has just the opposite effect. I don't think that many GFBLers who would engage the mufflers when appropriate would opt for the mufflers over the excitement of the pipes at all times. Again, nice job lawmakers!

Misty Blue.
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Old 11-05-2008, 02:02 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Misty Blue View Post
We here in NH have a tendency to write laws that don't fix the problem.
Oh man, the temptation to exhume the dead body of the SL issue is killing me!

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Old 11-07-2008, 10:03 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Cristen View Post
YES - I believe loud pipes do save lives!

When I'm on the bike, I like knowing that most people will be able to hear us, because there is a good chance they will not see us.... I actually really like the sound, but I know that most people do not.
Just wondering out loud -- what if we're at a red light -- you in front of me, I'm in a convertable, and you have a loud, obnoxious bike. Is it ok if I lean on the horn right behind you for the duration of that 2-minute stoplight? After all, noise is good, and more noise is heaven.

Or, as in my neighborhood, a very loud biker goes up and down the street, disrupting everyone. Is it ok for me to go by his house and lean on my very loud car horn? Would anyone have a problem with that? BTW, I LOVE the sound of my car horn, although I know most people do not.
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Old 11-07-2008, 10:14 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by This'nThat View Post
Just wondering out loud -- what if we're at a red light -- you in front of me, I'm in a convertable, and you have a loud, obnoxious bike. Is it ok if I lean on the horn right behind you for the duration of that 2-minute stoplight? After all, noise is good, and more noise is heaven.

Or, as in my neighborhood, a very loud biker goes up and down the street, disrupting everyone. Is it ok for me to go by his house and lean on my very loud car horn? Would anyone have a problem with that? BTW, I LOVE the sound of my car horn, although I know most people do not.
depends on how often you do it and if it's a kool ahhhhoga horn
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Old 11-08-2008, 10:41 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Skip View Post
Here's the law:

Motorboat Noise Levels
Section 270:37
270:37 Decibel Limits on Noise. –
I. No person may operate, sell, or offer for sale any marine engine which is capable of being operated in a manner which exceeds the following noise levels measured under any testing procedure established pursuant to rules adopted under RSA 270:39:
(a) For a marine engine manufactured in or before 1990, a noise level of 90 decibels when subjected to stationary testing.
(b) For a marine engine manufactured after December 31, 1990, a noise level of 88 decibels when subjected to stationary testing.
(c) For a marine engine manufactured in or before 1990, a noise level of 84 decibels on the ""A'' scale, measured at 50 feet.
(d) For a marine engine manufactured after December 31, 1990, a noise level of 82 decibels on the ""A'' scale, measured at 50 feet.

II. The director or the director's agent may order the operator or owner of any boat which he or she has articulable suspicion to believe is capable of being operated in a manner which exceeds the decibel limits contained in this section to subject the boat to one or more noise level testing procedures as provided in this subdivision or to inspection of the engine and mechanical systems for violations of this section or RSA 270:25.
III. A boat owner or operator shall submit a boat which is the subject of an order by the director or the director's agent pursuant to RSA 270:37, II to noise level testing by the director or the director's agent immediately or at the time and location designated by the director or the director's agent. No person shall operate the boat after the time designated until it is subjected to such noise level testing or engine and mechanical system inspection.
IV. The director or the director's agent may prohibit the operator or owner of any boat which fails a noise level testing procedure from operating the boat until the boat successfully passes the procedure. No person shall operate a boat contrary to such an order of the director.
V. Pursuant to the penalties imposed under RSA 270: 41-a, any person convicted of violating this section shall be fined not less than $250. No portion of any fine imposed under this section shall be suspended or reduced by the court.
Thanks for taking the time to post this. Very informative!
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Old 11-09-2008, 12:44 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Hottrucks View Post
depends on how often you do it and if it's a kool ahhhhoga horn
All I can promise is that the horn will be as pleasant as listening to the bike; and of the same duration.
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Old 02-28-2009, 01:00 PM   #35
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I personally love the sound of straight hull exhaust no mufflers at all.. But there is a place for that..... And that place is the ocean. When your 10 miles off shore go for it... The fact remains that if you are into HP motors, mufflers can restrict the flow of exhaust hurting performance and if not installed correctly can actually cause back flow of water into your engine. Not good at all.

However, I would prefer to run underwater exhaust on the lake at all times. There are many areas of the lake that are not open and the sound reverberates from one side of the channel to the other causeing constant echos and it isn't pleasant of anyone.

This is why I still do not understand why they don't allow silent choice. I for one would like to make sure I was not annoying anyone and that option allows for the lake to become quieter.

Sure would beat having to spend 2 hours installing CMI mufflers everytime I go to the lake...

But hey when was the last time a law was passed that was logical....
Have you had your Vessel Inspected Yet?
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Old 02-28-2009, 01:31 PM   #36
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Default Rationale behind disallowing Captains's Call?

Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE View Post
I personally love the sound of straight hull exhaust no mufflers at all.. But there is a place for that..... And that place is the ocean. When your 10 miles off shore go for it... The fact remains that if you are into HP motors, mufflers can restrict the flow of exhaust hurting performance and if not installed correctly can actually cause back flow of water into your engine. Not good at all.

However, I would prefer to run underwater exhaust on the lake at all times. There are many areas of the lake that are not open and the sound reverberates from one side of the channel to the other causeing constant echos and it isn't pleasant of anyone.

This is why I still do not understand why they don't allow silent choice. I for one would like to make sure I was not annoying anyone and that option allows for the lake to become quieter.

Sure would beat having to spend 2 hours installing CMI mufflers everytime I go to the lake...

But hey when was the last time a law was passed that was logical....
Does anyone know why the Capatain's Call or switchable exhaust is not allowed on the Lake? Seems like it would make the lake a quieter place.
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Old 02-28-2009, 01:39 PM   #37
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I read in another thread that it is because the MP's don't want you to be able to quiet your boat when you see them then turn it back on.

I am going to get flammed for this but if they would allow silent choice then they could say "no above hull exhaust" at all and it would make it much quiter..

Now I know the arguement against that. What about the hundreds if not thousands of boats that have above the hull exhaust and can't afford or want to silent choice?

In that situation keep the statutes the same. But for some people (including myself) I would have no problem switching on silent choice to quiet the lake down. That way I wouldn't have to worry about manuelly installing mufflers each time.

But why should anything make sense right?
Have you had your Vessel Inspected Yet?
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Old 02-28-2009, 04:37 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE View Post
I read in another thread that it is because the MP's don't want you to be able to quiet your boat when you see them then turn it back on.

I am going to get flammed for this but if they would allow silent choice then they could say "no above hull exhaust" at all and it would make it much quiter..

Now I know the arguement against that. What about the hundreds if not thousands of boats that have above the hull exhaust and can't afford or want to silent choice?

In that situation keep the statutes the same. But for some people (including myself) I would have no problem switching on silent choice to quiet the lake down. That way I wouldn't have to worry about manuelly installing mufflers each time.

But why should anything make sense right?

You sound like a reasonable and law abiding person but unfortunately not everyone is. If you're watching some of the threads here you can see the number of times people who aught to know better act like fools on the water. Some of them may be ignorant but some of them just don't care what the rules are and will do whatever they want whenever they want.

Enforcing a switchable exhaust would be impossible. "No officer, I had my exhaust in the quiet mode. It's a big boat and it only seemed over the limit." How could anyone prove otherwise unless they followed the idiot around all day with a meter. The only way to enforce would be if the device provided a monitor readout as to what mode it had been in over the past 24 hours. Either that or a lock down mode by the MP. You want to run on the lake, go to MP and they lock it into quiet mode with some special key or electronic code. Unlock it when you leave the lake. If it's not locked your assumed guilty. All this adds to complexity and cost and would require all the states to agree on a common method; very unlikely.

Sorry, it's a common case of some spoiling it for all. And noise is a big complaint, especially in the evening.
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Old 03-01-2009, 07:28 AM   #39
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Post Captain's Call...Close Call...

Originally Posted by jeffk View Post
"...Sorry, it's a common case of some spoiling it for all. And noise is a big complaint, especially in the evening..."
We've seen posts of boat noise on Winnipesaukee during the wee hours of the morning.

Noise travels very easily across water. I'm living one mile from the nearest shore in Florida presently and hear dogs barking over there as though they were right next door.

Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
"...Does anyone know why the Captain's Call or switchable exhaust is not allowed on the Lake? Seems like it would make the lake a quieter place..."
One Crownline owner near me manually switches his Silent Choice off and on repeatedly while passing by. Another, a GFBL, does the same. Disguised, the boat's name is "Herr Male".

As jeffk says, it only takes a few to ruin it for the many.

Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE View Post
"...But hey when was the last time a law was passed that was logical..."
"Logical" depends on context.

Under proposed National Healthcare legislation, we can expect laws against behavior that can affect the costs of healthcare (e.g., the mandatory wearing of motorcycle helmets). Moreover, excessively loud noise affects the hearing of very young children (though it's possible that some restoration occurs naturally over the rest of their lives).

Originally Posted by This'nThat View Post
"...BTW, I LOVE the sound of my car horn, although I know most people do not..."

But bikers take a big risk in assuming their noise helps their safety.

Two members of my family have hearing aids for both ears. Neither can hear traffic well with the windows up.

Just last Saturday, a Harley biker left a gas station directly opposite my guest's sedan as we entered the near lane to cross the center line. The wide windshield pillar hid the biker completely from our seasoned driver!

This was a newish Toyota four-door and you can see how wide the A-pillars are in the below photo.

If the front seat passenger hadn't yelled, "STOP! STOP!", we would have had the helmetless biker through our windshield.

It was the closest call with a biker I've ever witnessed.
Is it
"Common Sense" isn't.
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Old 03-01-2009, 04:50 PM   #40
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there is a pretty simple solution..... the law should be rewritten to make the following a provision

Captains Call should be allowed as long as the boat passes the noise test in either configuration...

My Donzi 26Zx has mufflers and also the captians call switchable exhaust (disabled)... I pass the noise test either way. So in my particular case, i could make my Donzi quieter than the law requires.... but if I do that its illegal!

Go figure!

The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.
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Old 03-01-2009, 05:16 PM   #41
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Loud Boat AND Snowmobile exhaust laws should be enforced.......just as soon as Motorcycle Exhaust laws are......
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