The software problem with the ad display that the site was experiencing this week have been resolved and the site is again working normally. In the replies to
this thread several members mentioned that they use an ad blocker. I wanted to take this opportunity to comment on our ads and ad blockers:
I don't like ads either but I don't use ad blockers. The reason is I know that most free sites (like this one) rely on ads to pay the bills and keep the site running. When you block the ads you remove the only source of revenue we have and decrease the possibility of the site surviving.
I'm picky about the ads I run. I only accept ads for Lakes Region businesses that I think would be of interest to our site visitors. My ads don't track you like many other ads. The software counts when an ad has been viewed and clicked on and that's it. If you click on an ad for something you won't get blasted with similar ads.
The exception to that is the Google ads I now include in the rotation. I never wanted to run Google ads but with the severely reduced ad revenue since COVID and the site running in the red I decided that they were necessary if I was to keep the site open. I just couldn't continue to lose money and the Google ads have helped. They directly generate income for this site with every click-through.
If you enjoy this site please consider exempting this site from your ad blocker and even click on an ad if you find it interesting. That will really help to keep this site available.
Another way you can help is by making a small donation. This option has always been available but I've only received a few donations over the years: