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Old 02-05-2008, 08:36 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by jrc View Post
270:1 Declaration of Policy. . . . provide for the safe and mutual enjoyment of a variety of uses, both from the shore and from water-borne conveyances. Such provisions shall take into consideration the following: the variety of special uses appropriate to our lakes, public safety, protection of environment and water quality, and the continued nurture of New Hampshire's threatened and endangered species. . . .
We're supposed to share the lake, some people want to ban certains uses they don't like. They pretend it's about safety, but it's really about revenge and spite. It's sad to watch otherwise normal people bend the truth to get there way and win an arguement.
RSA 270:1 can and has been used to show the need for a NH lake speed limit. How is allowing high speed powerboats to travel at over 15 times faster tha the maximum speed of other boats on the same lake "safe and mutual enjoyment"? (And I could have a field day with the environment, water quality, and endangered species part, but I won't even go there.)

I know plenty of people who won't kayak on Winni because of the high speeds. It is very unsafe when powerboats invaded my 150 zone because they are going too fast to see me in time (and this is not "bending the truth"). Slower speeds are safer, because slower speeds give a person more time to react. That's a fact.

Most people that I know who are in favor of a lake speed limit are for it because they feel that the lake has become unsafe for smaller, slower boats. They are not out to ban any group, just slow people down. No class of powerboat is being forced off the lake by a speed limit - they will just have to slow down.

HB847 is all about sharing the lake. It's called a compromise. How is traveling at unlimited speeds a compromise? The high speeds of some powerboats are virtually forcing other boaters off the lake - which I see as a selfish act - these high speed powerboaters are not sharing the lake - they are hogging it.
"Boaters love boats . . . Kayakers love water."
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