Ossipee cemetery with numbered stones
Can anyone help with this question about Ossipee? We were driving on rt 171 (Granite St.) heading to rt 16 after crossing rt 28...near the old Carroll Cty. Registry of Deeds. There is a cemetery on the left on Granite St, followed by an adjacent cemetery (seperated by a fence). In this 2nd cemetary are about 280 numbered small stones(no names), all identical. I was not able to find out anything on the internet about this cemetery but thought maybe it was related to the Carroll Cty Farm or prison, of which I know very little about. One or 2 of the stones had been replaced with slightly bigger stones with names and dates. One was a woman who died late 1800's, another a man who died in the 1930's. Thanks to anyone who knows about this...we are history buffs.