Has anyone else noticed verbal attacks by some on others who post opinions?
I joined the Winnipesaukee Forum only recently. I happened to be reading about restaurants and was interested in finding out about a new restaurant that I liked. I read some posts that sounded like junior high school. I then decided to post anyway. There are some restaurants that I feel have disappointed me this year and last and seem to be not as good a value as they had been. Other friends I know here at the lake agreed with me. There are other restaurants that seem to be great. One in particular seemed to have great food at great prices and great hours. I trired to talk about some of my opinions. I was told to give specifics if I had had a bad experience etc. I attempted to do that. Believe it or not, I was then accused of posting as a friend of the owner of the restaurant that I liked and having an agenda to pump that restaurant and put the others down. I am a grandmother of seven and mother of four and feel that this sort of drama is not worth my time. Has anyone else had this sort of experience?