What's up with Lakes Region Merchants?
Every summer I shake my head and many of the merchants up here. I really do my best to shop up here for benefit of our local merchants. If we don't support them they will vanish. But sometimes you have to wonder if they are their own worst enemy.
But for the life of me why to many of them close early? Went to DeSilva's to get some Jet Ski oil on Saturday and they were closed at 3 PM. They stay open until 5 PM during the week, but on Saturday which should be their busiest day, they cut out at 3. Tried to buy some meat at the Wine'ing Butcher Friday night and they were closed. Just as well their meat is tough as nails this year. Gave me a chance to go to Jo Jos the next day. Blizzards closed their Ice Cream window with 10 people in line wanted to get a cone. Channel Marine is the exception staying open until 8 on Fridays.
These stores should stay open late during the summer. I would imagine most of their business comes during these 10 weeks of summer. They should do anything they can to get all the business they can. Hey go home early in February.