Where Were You 10 Years Ago On the Morning Of 9/11???
I imagine that everyone remembers where they were on the morning of 9/11. I had recently won a radio contest on WHOM. The morning of 9/11 a friend and I were traveling to the base of Mt. Washington. We were suppose to meet Jared from the Subway commercials and ride with him to the summit. We were then scheduled to have lunch with Jared. Needless to say when we arrived we learned about the events that were unfolding in NYC. Everyone around us were in shock. We were told by the radio personnel that the meeting with Jared was off. We decided to go up to the summit by ourselves anyways. We reached the Tip-Top house and we found that the few people that were in the building were clued to the summit's TV. The situation was very surreal. We were so lucky to be in one of the most beautiful majestic NH landmarks, but we felt like we were in a dream. It was horrifying to watch the twin towers burn and fall. It made me realize that we need to appreciate each and every day that we have with our family and friends.