The Blogs Are Back!
In 2008 I added a Blog feature to this site that was available for about 9 years through early 2017 when it became incompatible with new server upgrades. The software was unsupported, there was no suitable replacement and I was forced to discontinue the Blog feature.
With the help of a very skilled programmer the problems with the Blog software have now been fixed and it is again available on the site menus. All the original blogs posted since 2008 are again available.
The Blogs never became as popular as I hoped but there is still some good reading in there. The Blogs are different than the forum since they don't have to be related to the Lakes Region and the author can choose if comments are allowed and then moderate those comments.
I realize that more than half of the blogs posted were by Roy Sanborn of Sotheby's Realty but I always thought his posts about the Lakes Region real estate market were interesting and informative without being too self-promoting.
I hope we have some new content soon on the Blogs. Roy has told me he will resume posting his reports soon.