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Old 01-30-2024, 03:29 PM   #1
West Alton Joe
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Default Huge Commercial Project in West Alton

Hi all,

Long time lurker, but first time posting. I'm too old to figure out these types of things, so my granddaughter was kind enough to help me figure out how to set up and post on this forum.

The reason for coming here is to make the property owners and residents of West Alton and adjacent areas in Gilford aware of a massive commercial development project that has been submitted to the Town of Alton. This is going to be done on a 140 acre parcel that has its road frontage on Rt. 11A. This parcel has a boundary with the Town of Gilford. The parcel's north boundary sits on top of a high hill (or small mountain) that can be seen from Lake Winnipesaukee. If you are in a boat out near Diamond Island looking to the south, you can see this hill that has 2 houses on the side of the hill. The top of this hill was cleared a few years ago. This clearing on top of the hill is part of the 140 acres that is being developed.

The plans show that they want to build a huge event center at the top of the hill, which will be visible from a lot of Lake Winnipesaukee, and especially from the south side of Diamond Island, Welch Island Rattlesnake Island, Sleepers Island and Mount Major. It will also be visible from the Ames Farm area of Gilford. From the opposite side, this will be visible from many areas in Gilford, especially from the Belknap Range and from residential properties in that general area. In addition to the event center, the plans show that there will be parking lots, an amphitheater where there will presumably be bands playing, a ring lawn with covered pavilion, a huge estate home where wedding guests will be allowed to stay, along with a possible helicopter pad.

Further to the south of the parcel, there will be more parking lots for cars and buses, a clubhouse, pickleball courts, a sledding hill and playground. Finally, on the southernmost portion of the parcel, they will be building 20 houses that will be used for short term rentals. All of this is taking place in the Rural Zoning District of Alton, and will require a lot of variances and special exceptions to be granted by the Alton Zoning and Planning Boards. I don't have any experience with these zoning and planning boards, so I don't know what the chances of this being approved are.

What I do know is that this project will have a major impact to the area. The light pollution and music coming from the amphitheater will be heard for miles around the area, especially since this is sitting on top of a hill. I assume that they will want to launch fireworks off 7 days a week during the spring, summer and fall, so who wants to listen to this all the time. Property values in the vicinity will be seriously effected, because peace and quiet will no longer be a reality.

If you are a property owner in the vicinity of this proposed development, and you don't want to see your property value diminished and your peace and quiet taken away, please consider writing to the Town of Alton Zoning and planning board and urge them to reject this project. I'm sure once it's finished, they will sell out to Marriott or some other large corporate entity and expansion will be assured. You can count on another Bank of NH Pavilion and large hotel being next on the list. This will be a very slippery slope.

It's beyond my comprehension that the Town of Alton would allow this type of development to destroy the rural, quiet charm of Alton and also destroy the values of properties in the area. But when out of staters show up with deep pockets and hungry lawyers, this is the result. Again, if you are against this type of development in a residential area, please write to the Town of Alton or attend the Zoning and Planning Board meetings to express your concerns.

There is a Facebook group called Cherry Valley Development Alton/Gilford where you can find out more information.

Thank you for listening.


Last edited by West Alton Joe; 05-21-2024 at 05:31 AM.
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BroadHopper (01-31-2024), Broken Glass (01-31-2024), Descant (01-30-2024), mbhoward (02-07-2024), pjard (02-02-2024), samosetguy (03-12-2024), smith point boater (01-31-2024), TCC (01-31-2024)


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